Chapter 29

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Paige POV

We walked around the venue and everyone knew Ethan. They all greeted him with such courtesy. I just did my best to hide in the back.

I meet Niels parents, they were very nice sophisticated people. They had a daughter 1 year older than Sara, which they told me that's who Sara was with at the moment.

I was feeling overwhelmed. "Hey Scarlet I'm going to check on Sara" I'll be back I said.

"What me to come along love?" She asked me.

"No you stay, I'll be right back" I said.

I walked to the back of the venue and found the kids area. I saw Sara and walked over to her. "Hey sweetheart how are you doing?" I asked her.

"Good this is my cousin Bridget" she said.

"Well hello Bridget it's nice to meet such a pretty girl" I said. Bridget looked down. "Whats wrong?" I asked her.

"People don't think I'm pretty. Everyone makes fun of me because I'm fat" she said.

"Bridget don't ever listen to them. Your such a beautiful young girl. Don't listen to those silly comments. The only thing that matters in this world is what you have in here" I said pointing to her heart.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"What matters is how you are as a person, not how you are on the outside. I can tell you such a sweet girl. Don't let other people stop you from shining" I said.

Bridget smiled up at me. "Thanks" she said.

"You're welcome" I said.

"See I told you she was the best" Sara said.

"I wish I had someone like her" Bridget said.

"I'm here whenever you need me" I said to her.

"Thanks" she said.

"No go on, you two go play. Let me know if you need anything" I said.

They both gave me a quick hug and they ran off. I turned around and ran into Neil.

"Oh you scared me" I said.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you. Now I see way my cousin hasn't stoped staring at you all night" he said.

I blushed. "Maybe I have something in my teeth" I said.

"No that's not it" he said.

"well we should go back" I said.

"Please I'll escort you" he said extending his arm to me.

I looked at him and hesitated. Then I decided to take his arm. We went back to the venue. I looked around and saw Scarlet dancing with a cute guy. I tried to find Ethan. I couldn't find him anywhere.

I finally saw him across the room. Three gorgeous women were surrounding him. I instantly grew jealous. "That's my cousin for you. Such a ladies man." Neil said.

"Ladies man" I whispered. He deserved to be with either one of them.

"Women constantly throw themselves at Ethan. He is rich after all" Neil said.

"Money isn't everything" I said.

"It is for all these people in the room. Why do you think nobody acknowledged you tonight? It's because you don't have money" he said.

"I see" I whispered. "Excuse me" I said heading to the bathroom. Then I ran into a stall. Neils words hurt me.  

I heard a few women come into the bathroom. "Who does she think she is?" I heard someone say.

"Do you think it's true? Do you think Ethan dumped Cali for her?" Another one said.

"There's no way. A girl like her could never get a guy like Ethan" a third girl said.

"I can't say anything about the dress but did you see how fat she looked in it?" The first girl said. Then they all started laughing. 

I heard a stall open. "What were you girls just saying" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Hey Scarlet you don't actually like that girl do you?" I heard on of them say.

"She's my friend you sluts. If I ever hear you talk about her again, I'll be sure to talk to my aunt and uncle about you three" Scarlet said.

"Sorry Scarlet" they all said. Then I heard them walk out.

I opened the stall. "Paige you heard all that. Look they are just jealous bitches. Don't listen to them." Scarlet said coming towards me.

"It's not like I haven't been called worse. I'm Um, I'm going to get some air." I said walking away from Scarlet.

I heard her call after me but I got out of there as soon as I could. I found my way to the back door. I could feel tears run down my face. I ran to the street and tried to get a cab. I had no idea where I was going but I needed to get out of here.

"Paige" I heard behind me. "Paige." Then out of nowhere Ethan appeared. I started walking down the street. I couldn't face him. "Paige" he said running to me. "Paige stop" he said grabbing my arm. "Where are you going Paige?" he asked as I continued to walk.

"I don't know" I said.

"Paige stop" he said tightening his grip. He forced me to stop but I looked away. "Paige talk to me, what's wrong? What happened" he asked me.

" how did you even find me?" I asked him.

"Scarlet said something happened with some girls in the bathroom. Paige what happened?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter Ethan" I said looking away from him.

"Paige look at me" he said as I continued to look away. He than grabbed my face and made me look at him. "Paige what happened? Talk to me" he said. "Why are you crying?" He said wiping a tear from my face.

"Ethan I need to go" I said.

"Where Paige?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe back home. I don't belong here Ethan. I don't belong with you" I said.

"Paige. I'm sorry" he said and pulled me into a hug. "Come on" he said pulling me.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he pulled me towards the street and stopped a cab.

A cab stoped and he pulled me inside. "What about Sara and Scarlet?" I asked him.

He gave the driver an address. "Give me a second and I'll fix that" he said. I heard him talk to I presume Scarlet and he hung up. "Scarlet is taking Sara to the hotel we booked and she'll take her back home in the morning" he said.

"Ethan, what will Sara think? I don't want to ruin Christmas for her" I said.

"It's fine Paige, Sara loves to sleep over with Bridget when we visit London. I'm sure Scarlet will take them to the hotel and we'll see them tomorrow" Ethan said.

"Ethan you should let me leave alone. It's not fair for the people who wanted to see you." I said.

"Paige I don't care about anyone else right now but you" he said. After that we remained silent for the rest of the ride home.

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