Chapter 51

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Paige POV

I was now 7 and a half months pregnant. My stomach was huge.

"Paige are you sure you want to go to the hospital today? Your feet are swollen and..."

"Kevin, I'm going. Being with you has helped me learn so much." I said.

He sighed "ok let's go" he said. Tonight we had a night shift. Everything was going smoothly. It was about 7 am and Kevin was called in for a consultation in the ER.

Kevin and I walked over to the ER. It was full as always. We walked over to bed number 9. The curtain was closed. Kevin grabbed the chart. "So this is..." he stopped talking and went to go open the curtain.

"Sara" I said with tears running down my eyes.

"Paige!" She said from her hospital bed.

Next to Paige was none other than Ethan Anderson. He looked surprised to see me too.

"Paige what happened? Are you pregnant?" Sara asked me. I looked at down at my stomach and didn't know what to say.

"Uhm." Kevin said. "Hello I'm Dr...."

"You're Kevin. You're Paige's friend" Sara said.

"That's right." Kevin said. "Says here you fell and hurt your arm. Mind if I check it out" Kevin asked Sara.

"Can Paige do it?" Sara asked him.

Kevin looked at me and I nodded. I have done this before. Kevin was by my side and examined everything I did. Then he went to look at her X-rays. "Well the good new it that you don't need surgery. The bad news is that your radius has a hairline fracture and you need to wear a cast for a few weeks." Kevin informed Ethan and Sara.

I could feel Ethan's staring at me. But he stopped when Kevin spoke. "Is she going to be ok alright?"

"That is correct Mr. Anderson. Now if you'll excuse us." Kevin said heading out.

"Mr. Anderson can I visit Sara for a minute." I asked Ethan.

"Paige I don't think you should over do yourself" Kevin said.

"It's fine by me." Ethan said.

I looked at Ethan. "I'll just be a minute." I said to Kevin. He didn't looked convinced but nodded and walked out. I sat by Sara and hugged her and she hugged me back tightly.

"How are you?" I asked her.

She looked at Ethan and she leaned in. "I'm not ok. I miss you" she said.

"Me too." I whispered back.

"Are you having a baby?" Sara asked me.

"I am." I said.

"Is that doctor the daddy?" She asked me.

"Sara don't ask such personal questions." Ethan interrupted us.

"Sorry Paige." Sara said.

"It's fine honey." I said.

"Sara we should get going now. We have things we need to do" Ethan said.

"Yeah I know. Your stupid wedding with Cali." Sara said.

"Sara. Behave" Ethan said. I heard that Ethan's wedding was in a couple of days. I've been trying to avoid media announcements. I did unfortunately hear that it was was going to be in New York City. It hurt so much.

I held back tears. "Sara I should get back to Kevin. We still have things to work on" I hugged her and whispered "remember i'm always here for you." I said and Sara nodded. She put her hand around the necklace she was wearing. It was a present I gave her which had a picture of the three of us. I was so happy she had it with her.

"I love you sis" Sara said crying and hugging me.

"I love you more sis" I whispered in her ear and we pulled away.

I looked at Ethan. "Thank you for letting me see Sara" I said.

"No problem. I didn't know you were studying to be a doctor." He said.

"It doesn't change anything. Mr. Anderson." I said to Ethan. I turned to Sara "Bye Sara. Please take care of your yourself" I said and headed out of the ER.

I ran. I needed air. I couldn't hold the tears back any longer. I sat down on a bench and cried my eyes out. I saw someone wall up to me. I looked up and saw Kevin.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I never left the ER. I saw you leaving and followed you outside." He said.

"You're always here for me Kevin" I said as Kevin sat down next to me.

"He's not worth it you know." He said.

"What?" I asked him.

"He's not worth your tears. Over these past months I've heard you crying in your room. I've wanted to punch him in the face for so long. When I saw him today I was very close to doing so." Kevin said. "It's time to forget about him Paige. He's getting married. It's time you got over him" I looked at Kevin.

"Kevin..." I tried to say.

"Paige Please. I want to get this out in the open. Paige I love you. You know I love you. I would do anything for you." He said grabbing my hand. "Paige please give me a chance. I want to be with you. I wanted to start a relationship. I...."

"Kevin. I'm pregnant. I'm about to have a baby. You don't want me." I said.

"Paige. I want this baby. I'll help you raise him or her. I want to be with you. Forget about Ethan. Please Paige. Give us a chance" Kevin's Said.

I looked into Kevin's eyes. Kevin has always been a wonderful person towards me. He was right. It was time for me to forget about Ethan. "Ok." I said.

"Ok? Really? You're giving us a chance?" He asked me.

I nodded. Kevin has done so much for me. I couldn't refuse his offer.

He stood up and held out his hand. "Come one. Our shift is over. Let's go home" he said.

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