Chapter 16

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Paige POV

Ethan looked mad when I talked to Kevin. I decided to ignore him and focus on Sara.

Around 9 pm Sara fell asleep. Ethan and I argued over who was going to spend the night with her. Finally We both agreed to spend the night.

We both woke up around 8 am. "Can we talk outside for a second Paige" Ethan whispered.

"What about Sara?" I asked.

"It will only take a minute." He said.

I nodded and headed outside. There were some chairs outside the room. We sat down.

"Paige I don't know how to thank you. If it wasn't for you I don't know what would of happened to Sara" he said grabbing my hands.

"It's no problem. I've told you before. I really care about Sara. She's like a little sister. I would do anything for her" Ethan then touch my check with his right hand.

"You little slut." We both heard someone say and we both turned to find Cali. "How dare you come on to my boyfriend" she said.

Ethan stood up "don't you dare talk to her that way" he yelled at her.

"Ethan it's her fault Sara got sick. She gave her the cookies" Cali said.

I stood up "how could you say that? I would never..." Ethan held up his hand.

"Cali I want you to know something. Last year someone tried to break in to my apartment. So I installed a nest cam with surround sound. It records everything that goes on in my apartment. It was recording yesterday. I checked my cameras and guess what. I saw exactly what happened" he said.

"You did?" She said startled.

"Yes I saw you shove those cookies down my sisters throat. I also saw you telling her your going to send her to a boarding school when you "marry me"" he said with his fingers.

"Ethan I was mad. You missed the part where they were being mean to me. I was just mad I would never..."

"Shut up Cali. We are thru! I never want to see you or hear from you again. Do I make myself clear." Ethan said.

"But baby..." she said putting her hand on his chest.

"Leave Cali, or I'll have security escort you out" he said as he grabbed my hand and headed to Sara room.

She was still asleep. "Paige I want you to know that..." then we heard a knock on the door. It was Kevin. "Oh great the doctor is here" he said.

"Good morning" Kevin said walking inside.

"Hey Kevin" I said.

"Doctor" Ethan said.

"I came to check up on Sara." As on cue Sara woke up. Kevin looked over Sara. "Well everything seems to be ok. Sara can leave today around noon." He said.

"That great" I said.

"Sara's going to need to follow up with her pediatrician back home but she should be good as new." He said. "I'm here if you guys have any questions." He said. "Paige can I talk about to you for a second" he asked me.

"Sure" I said. Walking outside. I could feel Ethan eyes trailing behind me.

I followed Kevin out into the hallway. "Paige I can't believe it's really you. God I missed you." He said. "I know your visit is short but do you think maybe we could see each other while you're here?" He asked.

"I'm, I'd have to check with my boss, but I'm sure I could see you at least once" I said.

"Please ask. I really want to catch up. Even if you can't it's ok. My adoptive family lives in LA. I could see you when I visit. I go to LA a lot." He said smiling at me.

"I would love that" I said. He came in and pulled me into a hug.

"I'll text you later" he said and he smiled at me while and walked away. I went back inside.

"So how was your little talk." Ethan said crossing his arms.

"Fine" I said.

The nurse cane in and took out Sara's IV. "Ok you can change now." The nurse said. Then she turned to look at me. "Sorry for prying but do you know Dr. Kevin?" She asked me.

"I do. We're old friends" I said.

"Really? here in the hospital it's seems like Dr. Kevin doesn't want to make friends. Everyone in the hospital is drooling over him, but he never lets anyone come close to him" she said. "Word around here is that your his girlfriend. Everyone saw you guys hug right now. He hates hugs. He's made it clear to everyone. He's only nice to his patients." She said. That's typical Kevin. Strong on the outside , a big teddy bear on the inside.

"Oh no, we are just really old friends" I said.

"That's a bummer. You two seems to have chemistry. You guys would make a cute couple" she said.

"I think it's best that you mind your own business" Ethan said.

The nurse instantly flushed. "I'll be outside if you guys need anything" she said.

"Let me help you get dressed Sara" I said.

"Thanks Paige." She said. "You know I didn't like that nurse" she said.

"Really why?" I asked her.

"Because she really nosy." She said.

I laughed. "I second that" Ethan said.

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