Chapter 25

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Paige POV

Christmas was a few days away. Ethan was telling me about a Christmas Eve party they were invited to. I definitely didn't want to go. I'm sure there was going to be plenty of beautiful women there who were going to come on to Ethan. Just like the other day.

I wasn't jealous of Ethan, I just thought that he deserved to be with one of them instead of me.

"Ethan I don't think I should go. I don't belong at those party's" I said as I sat on the bed with Ethan next to me.

"Paige of course you do! you have to go. Even Sara is going. Please don't do this to me" he said.

"Ethan, please." I said looking down.

"Tell me. What's the matter?" he asked.

"Ethan you know I have anxiety. I try to avoid those types of situations" I said.

"I promise to be by your side the whole time" he siad pulling me into a hug.

I sighed. "Ok" I said caving in. He gave me a kiss on the top of my head as he hugged me.

Just then Sara ran into the room. "Cousin Scarlet is here!" She said jumping up and down on the bed.

Then Scarlet walked into the room. "Good morning lovebirds" she said. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything" she said. I immediately blushed.

"No not at all" Ethan said.

"Good!" She said. "Because I need Paige" she said.

"Me? Why me?" I asked surprised.

"Because were going dress shopping!" Sara said jumping on the bed.

"Dress shopping?" I said. "Scarlet I don't wear dresses" I said.

"Paige we have a Christmas Party to go to in a few days! Of course you have to wear a dress" Scarlet said.

"No Scarlet it's fine" I said.

"Sara what's my motto?" She asked Sara.

"Cousin Scarlet doesn't take no for an answer" she said.

"But"  I tried to say.

"It's true" Ethan said. "Come on let's go" he said standing up from the bed.

"Oh no mister it's girls only" Scarlet said.

"Why can't i come?" Ethan complained.

"Because It's girls only duh!" Scarlet said and Sara laughed. She walked towards me and pulled my arm. "Now come on and get dressed Paige. We leaving in 10 minutes, we only have 8 hours of shopping left today and I doubt that's enough time" Scarlet said.

I stood up as she pulled me "Eight hours?" I asked Ethan who only lifted his shoulders. Great I had a long day ahead of me.

Scarlet, Sara and I spent the entire day shopping. The three of us went to a million different stores and tried on so many dresses. When it was my turn to try on dresses, I would always say no to them. I didn't like dresses. I hated showing off my body. Then after so many hours of looking I found a long black night dress. "That's it" Scarlet said as soon as I walked out of the dressing room and I had to agree with her. It had long black sleeves and it made me feel somewhat sexy.

After finding my dress we finally headed back to the "cabin" as Ethan would call it. Ridiculous. That was a flat out mansion.

"You guys are home!" Ethan said as we walked inside.

"We all found pretty dresses" Sara said.

"Oh really I can't wait to see them." Ethan said.

"Not until the party you won't" Scarlet said.

"What? why?" Ethan asked.

"Because it's a surprise. The three of us are going to get ready together. I called my friend Christian and he's going to make us look fabulous" Scarlet said.

"Oh great" I mumbled and Ethan laughed.

"Paige stop whining, we are going to look fabulous" Scarlet said flipping her hair.

Sara laughed. "So am I going to spend the night at Cousin Scarlets place?"

"Yup" Ethan said.

"She is?" I asked concerned.

"Don't worry Paige, I'll be ok." Sara said.

"Yes, I'll take care of her" Scarlet said.

Then they both walked out of the house and Ethan and I Waived goodbye.

"I hope she'll be ok" I said.

"Paige, she'll be fine, come on let's have dinner." He said and leading me into the dinning room.

He opened the double door and the sight inside surprised me. He set up a romantic evening full of candles, flowers, wine and a yummy looking dinner. "What's all this?" I asked him.

"Well we're having dinner together. Why not make an event out of it" he said. He led me to my chair and helped me sit down. Then he sat down next to me.

"So that's why Sara left" I said.

"I just wanted us to have our first real date. Just you and I." He said.

"Well thank you. This was sweet" I said leaning over and giving him a kiss on his cheek.

We both finished our dinner. Then we had ice cream for dessert. "Thank you Ethan. This was a lovely touch." I said.

"You are most certainly welcome." He said then he turned on some romantic music "would you like to dance?" He asked holding out his hand.

"But I don't know how to dance" I said timidly.

"It's alright. I'll show you" he said. I stood up and we walked into the living room. "Ok put your left arm on my shoulder and grab my left had" he instructed. He held my hand and put his other hand on my waist. "Now just follow me" he said. I nodded and tried to follow him. "You're a natural" he smiled at me.

"Ethan, please I'm doing a terrible job" I said.

"Quite the contrary actually. You're doing a fantastic job. Now spin" he said as he held my hand and helped me spin. Then he put me in the original position. Then the song changed. "Ok how about you put both hands around my neck" he said. I put my hand around his necks and he pulled me closer and put both hands on my waist. "Now follow the beat of the music" he said.

I looked into Ethans eyes and he was looking into mine. "Thank you for tonight Ethan. No one has ever gone thru so much trouble for me" I said giving him a small kiss on his lips.

"You're so welcome Paige. You deserve this and so much more" Ethan said. Then out of no where I started crying. "Hey whats wrong?" Ethan asked.

"Nothing. I just don't know what I did to deserve this. To deserve you, to deserve Sara. I've never really had anyone in my life. I'm just scared to lose you two" I said looking down.

"Hey look at me." Ethan said "Paige you deserve good things in your life. I know your life hasn't been easy but I'm here now and I'm going to do all I can to make you happy" he said giving me a kiss.

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