Chapter One

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First chapter of The Unbreakable!! I'll update two in a row, even though it's a little late. Please like and comment if you enjoy the chapter! Thanks for reading!!!

Picture above: Kenny (Robbie Kay)

(Kenny's POV)

It all crumbled down before my eyes so fast, like water slipping through my finger tips.

Months of planning, days of preparation, and a single proposition that got everything started- all for nothing.

The rebellion was a failure, and it's all my fault.

When I woke up in the small interview room, I almost cracked.

I was confused, cold, and- scared.

Yes, I'll admit it, I was terrified.

I witnessed my mother dying at the feet of a sneering Official; I've been bred to despise them. I've never been so close to one, well at least- I've never been so close to one while being so defenseless.

"Rise and shine big shot," the ugly Official laughs, taking a step back from me, "we've got some questions for you."

I try to look intimidating, but my back is killing me. It's stiff as a board, and when I say that- I mean I can't move. The last thing I remember from that office room was advancing to kill that pain Rachel; she must have done something to knock me out- or possibly Sam?

I hope both of them are in custody too, or that the Officials killed them right on the spot.

"Let's start out on a praising note, Kenny." the Official sneers, leaning back against a table. I'm strapped to a chair, my hands are incased in some weird cuffing mechanism, "You almost over threw our government, and for that- I respect you."

I glare at him, "Then let me go free."

The Official and his buddy's laugh, in total there are about ten other Officials in the room, "We do have a proposition for you," the guy continues, "but not quite so- drastic."

"I'm not helping you, if that's what you want." I snap, "I don't rat people out."

The Official waves me off, "Oh we don't want the rest of your lot, you're the one that really matters."

I stare at him, "What do you mean?" I ask slowly.

But the Official changes the subject, "You don't have a family, correct?"

"I'm not answering that," I snap.

The Official exchanges a glance with another Official, "I highly suggest you answer the question."

"And I highly suggest you-," I go on to call the Official every cuss word I know and then some.

When I finish, I fall back against the chair I'm strapped too, my breathing heavy.

It felt good to curse the Official out, after all- I've been waiting to do it my whole life.

"Well," the Official sighs, nodding to another Official, "you clearly aren't going to be corporative."

The guy who the Official nodded to slips out of the room for some reason.

"Where are the others?" I ask, "Caroline, Willow, Gavin-," a nasty taste fills my mouth, and I bitterly spit out, "Sam."

The Official chuckles, "Some of your kind were brought in with you, the others are dead."

I try to act like I don't care, but when he says dead- I feel terror spike my heart.

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