17- Shane POV

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I stood before a single door. I had pressed a random button in hopes someone would speak with us.
There was nothing except a hissing sound.
The door slowly slid backward and revealed a dark hallway. Sara went through the other door and I couldn't see what she was doing.
I kneeled down and quickly zipped open my backpack, finding a roll of bandages inside and hurriedly trying to dress the wound as best as I knew how. I cleaned up excess blood with gauze, and then tried my best to flush it out with peroxide.
It stung like a motherfucker, and I yelled mixed swears loud enough to prove it.
Finally, I wrapped the bandages around my arm and stood back up.
I walked to the end of the hall and saw Sara standing next to me.
We cautiously crossed the threshold. There, we came into a different room. Someone was waiting there for us.
We stood across from a tall, large man with a black jumpsuit and cape. He wore a white mask that hid his entire face. I noticed he had one finger missing from his gloves.
"Welcome. You're right on time." he stated. "I see you finally worked up some sense and listened to me."
"Shut up. Where is he?" I asked.
"Patience. He's soon to come." he replied.
I tried to walk closer but Sara put a hand on my shoulder.
"Listen, I'm not fucking around. Where the hell is he? Show him to me, now." I demanded.
The man shrugged, "If you insist."
He held up two fingers, "Bring out the pet."
Out from behind him came Ryan. He was being held by a tall woman in a fancy dress. They both wore blindfolds. His hands were tied behind him.
The woman passed Ryan to the man. The man embraced him with one arm and held a knife to his neck with the other. Ryan whimpered but didn't speak.
"Now, you see him. But I can't just give him to you. Let's make a deal." he said. I could see his shitty smirk through the mask.
"What do you want?" Sara asked bluntly.
The woman stepped forward with a sheet of paper taped to a piece of wood. She held out a dipping pen.
"Sign the agreement. You can have your pet back. But, you must put him back where he belongs. You will no longer be allowed to speak to him. You stay here." The man explained.
"Why would I want to do that?" I asked.
"Well, it's simple, if you don't, I'll slit his throat and you'll be left to roam in these halls for all eternity." he replied.
I stared down at the paper before me.
"Shane, you don't have to. Just think about this..." Ryan tried to beg, but the man covered his mouth.
My eyes glanced to the pen the woman held. It had a very sharp point at the tip of it. I knew what my next move would have to be.
I reached forward and took the pen, placing it on the paper.
Then, before I made a mark, I grabbed the woman by the hair. She gasped and tried to get my hand off her. I stuck the pen right into her face. She stumbled backward and it was right between her eyes, blood trickling down her forehead. I grabbed her wrist and yanked the pen out of her head. She fell to the floor, dead.
I tripped over my own feet in shock, slamming into the wall behind me, making a hole. I chuckled lightly.
The man held onto Ryan, practically dragging him by his neck. He walked nearer to me with rage in his eyes.
"You little shit." he mumbled threateningly.
He kept his hand over Ryan's mouth, and took a second blade from his belt. He kicked Sara into the wall and pinned her there with his knee on her stomach. She cried out, trying to elbow him. He placed the blade against her neck and started to cut into it.
I acted quick, taking the pen and plunging it into his shoulder. Before he could hurt Sara's throat, he drew back and cried in pain. He quickly dropped the knife and let go of Ryan. I picked it up before he even touched the floor.
I sighed in relief, shoving Ryan and Sara towards the door. I cut Ryan's binds off of his hands and he pulled the blindfold down. I saw the terror and exhaustion in his eyes.
"Get him to safety!" I cried.
The two of them rushed out of the room.
As I watched them run off, the Watcher grabbed me from behind. He threw his arms around my shoulders and tackled me to the ground, plucking the knife from my hand.
He plummeted the blade to sink it in my face, but I grabbed his wrists and pushed him back with the same amount of force.
His spit splattered across my face and I was getting lightheaded from his knees on my stomach. But I kept pushing back, desperately trying to get him off of me.
I grabbed the handle of the knife and levered it upward, and it slipped from the Watcher's grasp and clattered to the ground behind me.
I quickly kicked him off of me and snatched the knife, standing with confidence before him.
"Looks like it's just you and me motherfucker!" I roared.
He lifted up the blade and lunged towards me, but I dodged. The knife dug into the wall, and as the Watcher struggled to yank it out, I took him by the shoulders.
He turned around and socked me in the jaw and kneed me in the groin. If I'm honest, it was extremely painful, but I fought through it.
I closed my eyes and blindly slammed the knife down.
The man groaned, letting go of me and falling over to his knees.
I opened them, and saw my blade had gone right into his chest.
I gasped in shock.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Shit. I..." I felt regret. Why was I feeling regret? I had this sickened feeling in my gut, like I had murdered someone who didn't deserve it.
I watched him sit on his knees, wiping blood off of his mouth.
He laughed in a guttural, raspy voice, "Thanks for the knife back, son." he said, yanking it out of him. He started to walk towards me.
I turned the other way and made a mad dash to the twisted hallways. My legs were weak, but I didn't slow down or look behind me. I didn't even care if a monster saw me. I was trying to find somewhere to hide.
I felt his dagger eyes watching my sweaty back. I felt tears of fear in my eyes. I quickly turned down a segment of halls, slowing down enough to figure out where I was going.

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