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You open the door and greet him with a warm smile. It's your boyfriend jungkook, he came to check on you. You both hug each other with a  happy smile on the face. you start, "Already miss me? "


He replies with a soft chuckle and looking around, "Yeah, also, you're alone? "

You reply while sitting on the couch with jungkook, "Yeah, I live alone here I told you right?"

He replies, "oh, I can come here anytime then? "

You laugh and reply, "I don't always stay at home, I have to work to live"

He questions, "so you have works to do now? "

You reply with a pout," um yeah, I have to do my math work"

He replies with a laugh, "I'm happy, that I'm done with all of that."

And you both continue to chat, while you try to complete the work given by your professor. 


He walks by the park and suddenly spots y/n sitting on the bench. He gets surprised watching her and asks jimin hoping both could get to meet her. Both start walking towards y/n and all of a sudden Julia watches taehyung and comes towards him.

Taehyung tries to avoid her talk but this time she holds taehyung's hands and starts to talk, "Taehyung, what are you doing here? are you free? we could go on a date if you are free !" and she whines flirting with him, meanwhile, he watches y/n coming towards taehyung but backing off because of Julia.

Taehyung tries to stop the girl but she gets a little extra this time. so, he whispers to jimin telling him to go meet y/n cause he can't miss his chance because of taehyung.  Jimin agrees and walks towards y/n and taehyung makes the girl sit with him and she starts to talk. "taehyung-ah I'll do anything for you. I like you, I really do, We can be good friends too right?  please don't ignore me "

While Julia talks taehyung watches jimin and y/n talking to each other. He meets his eyes with y/n and tries to smile at her but she gets up from the spot and starts getting away. Meanwhile, Julia still tries to convince taehyung on a date that he doesn't want to go on. Jimin comes back to taehyung and Julia.

He tries talking to Julia but she was not ready to listen and holds taehyung's hand again giving taehyung a very suffocated feeling about her. 

~Namjoon POV~

He packs his bags waiting for his brother to come home. He texts taehyung 

"im leaving soon, come home by 5" and sits sipping coffee waiting for him to reply.

Namjoon get's a phone call from taehyung. He lifts the call with a normal tone.

Taehyung  sighs in the phone saying "Hyung " Namjoon replies questioning  "uh?" 

Taehyung says with a broken voice  "I messed up." He continues to speak sounding sad. 

"Hyung, remember I told you about Julia last night? "

Namjoon speaks with a surprised tone," yeah?" 

And taehyung starts to explain but namjoon cuts him off by saying "you know what? come home, let's talk about this in the home. Also, I have to leave for to airport in about an hour."

~y/n and jungkook~

you sit completing your work as jungkook casually talks about his daily schedules. You weren't in the moment with jungkook instead you get flashes of taehyung and his girlfriend in the park. 

You never meant to be jealous or feel anything because you never knew him until a few days. Also, you got a boyfriend and you have no reason to be jealous of taehyung having a girlfriend.

When you told taehyung about your boyfriend jungkook did he also feel the same way? or are you overthinking? You started sounding the bad guy among both of you, jungkook meanwhile continued to speak. You could only think about taehyung at this moment. 

Everything started to feel WRONG. You came back to reality as jungkook raises his tone. 

JK: Hey are you even listening to me? You reply scratching your nape.  "yeah, I just zoned out im sorry"

Jungkook calmly gets up from the couch and places himself beside you.  He sits while his hands were intertwined with yours.  He softly speaks saying, 

"What's wrong ? are you okay?" You sigh and hug him replying with a low tone.

"Just having a little headache." 

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