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"what's wrong ? are you okay?" You sigh and hug him replying with a low tone.

"Just having a little headache."


His hands reach your forehead and he checks your temperature. "oh, y/n you are burning with high temperature. "

You break the hug and check your temperature by yourself. You were running at a high temperature. Jungkook with concerned eyes continues to say, "This will worry me, y/n you should take some rest."

You smile at him, knowing that this fever won't last any longer, "don't worry, I'll take care. You need to leave right? don't you have a meeting to attend ?"Jungkook sounded so concerned " yeah, but how do I leave you like this?"

You caress his little pink cheeks and talk smiling "I promise to take care of this. okay? now you need to leave." And jungkook agrees to give a small kiss on your cheek and leaves the house and it turned silent. 

After he leaves, you go to your bed and quietly take a nap.

~Meanwhile namjoon and taehyung ~

Taehyung reaches home as soon as namjoon tells them that he was leaving in an hour. Jimin also joins taehyung at his home. Taehyung and jimin settle themselves on the couch as they hear namjoon was taking a shower.

After 10 minutes~

Namjoon enters the hall looking at both of them talking. He questions looking at taehyung, "what happened?"

Taehyung replies, "so, what happened is we were heading to the park and we spotted y/n sitting on the bench, we wanted to talk to her but then out of nowhere, Julia joined us. You know I refused a date but she would never give up on me for a while I guess. "and taehyung stops speaking 

Namjoon questions him "what's wrong, continue ?" Taehyung continues in a low voice, "Julia started to get on my nerves, she got touchy with me and I saw y/n directly looking at both of us. Somehow, this situation turned awkward. "

Jimin continued, "Julia promised not to trouble taehyung again if he goes on at least one date." 

Namjoon thought about the whole drama and he could only reply, "Taehyung you should try out Julia for a while, probably she could be nice?" 

Taehyung furred his eyebrow and replied, "What?  I'm not doing this." 

Jimin starts to visualize taehyung and Julia together. He starts to laugh looking at namjoon. Both namjoon and jimin start to laugh looking at taehyung's situation. 

Taehyung rolls his eyes and lays himself on the bed resting his head on the pillow. Namjoon goes to the other room to bring his luggage for the trip to Europe. Meanwhile, jimin sits scrolling through his phone.


you take a small power nap as soon as jungkook leaves the house, but the fever get's worse and worse. Your thoughts were full of taehyung and the girl in the park. Now that you have a boyfriend, you don't have reasons to feel left out.

Also, he was a very caring person, But something started to trigger you.

You wanted to talk to taehyung, you wanted to make things clear before they got even worse between both of you. You always wanted a person in your life, whom you want to share things with, have an emotional bonding, and very long-lasting and unbreakable love.

Because back then you never had anyone to honestly share with. Your parents turned out more virtual than you thought they would be. You always loved the version of yourself on social media. Always exciting, fun, and busy life. But your real-life lacked the main root of it. FAMILY.

There was no day you wouldn't miss them. Family completes with a sibling but you were the only child and you never knew the feeling of having somebody in your life. Then came this guy named 'taehyung' into your life. Things were good until you saw him with his girlfriend today.

You try to stop all these numerous thoughts in your mind But you couldn't. You open your phone as you see a text from the boy named JIMIN from the park. 

JM - Hey, this is jimin remember we met at the park today? Anyway, are you free tomorrow morning? if yes let's meet. {address of the cafè } 


Namjoon comes out of the room carrying luggage for his trip. Taehyung question's namjoon " Hyung, when are you leaving?  do I come to drop you or something?"

Namjoon replies busily setting his backpack "im leaving in 20 minutes or so, anyways agency will come and pick me up to don't worry I'll be back in 2 weeks."  Taehyung gets shook with his reply "2 weeks?"

Namjoon chuckles and replies "yeah, I have work to do." They continue to talk while jimin text's y/n.

JM - Hey, this is jimin remember we met at the park today? anyway, are you free tomorrow morning? if yes let's meet. {address of the cafè } 

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