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Y/n and taehyung continue to talk. All of a sudden taehyung questions y/n, "Are you and jungkook together ?"



You could feel the pain in his voice while asking that, you were about to reply but the waiter interrupted, "mam, you order" And you start sipping the hot coffee while taehyung gets his milkshake.

Both start to drink while taehyung looks at you in the eye furring his eyebrow, still questioning about jungkook. You put your coffee down and reply, "yes, it's  just been a day since we got together " 

Taehyung sips his milkshake replying "oh, is it so."

"How are things between you and him until now? I mean he is so busy and how do you guys plan to manage your time together?"

You reply " it's just been a day since we are together, I don't know what do I say." Taehyung smiles and replies "It's okay, we could still be friends." 

You smile back and say "yeah sure." You both start to talk about universities and workplaces.

Taehyung questions "I had a  friend in your university, do you know hoseok, probably the librarian?" You reply " yeah, was he your friend ?"

Taehyung says " yeah, he was a good friend back in the time, I and hoseok were our teacher's pet. " You laugh "was that so? you were classmates ?"

Taehyung replies " yeah we were classmates in my high school, he has a part-time job as a librarian in your university probably. Now he works as a fitness trainer" You wow at him "Woah, you know pretty well about your friends."

Taehyung says " yeah, what about you? you have any good friends ?" You reply thinking about yoongi " yeah, I have a best friend Yoongi, he is in the same university as me."

Taehyung questions " oh cool, so how did you guys become friends ?" While both of you continue to conversate a black car stops in front of the cafe. You just remember to meet jungkook in a while.

You hate to stop this conversation with him and go away from him. But you had to stop it for jungkook, you cut him off saying "hey, jungkook wants to meet me now, im so sorry but can we meet some other time? "

You just imagined yourself in place and the next thought that came to your head was "You were so rude to him, and he deserves someone better than you."

He replied smiling "it's okay, have fun "

*Taehyung POV*

*I hate her for leaving me like this, I don't know if I can meet her next time, this hurts a lot* 

taehyung gets up from the chair as well as y/n does it too. Y/n offers a handshake while taehyung was about to hug her.

Both smile at each other and y/n comes towards taehyung giving him a warm hug with a smile on her face. He whispers with his deep voice "I'll miss you" Y/n smiles again breaking the hug " me too"

Taehyung smiles back at you holding your hand, You both laugh at the right moment when both of you together ask the same question, "picture ?"

 He takes out his phone and clicks a picture of both of you holding hands and smiling.

~Y/n POV~

There was something in taehyung that you thought you'd never get in your life, You thought to yourself *if comfort was a person, would it be taehyung ?*

His boxy smile was everything, you couldn't take your eyes off his beautiful face. When he wrapped his fingers around your hand, you wanted that feeling to stay forever. Soon, you remember you had to leave and go back to jungkook. 

Taehyung spoke as you looked into the car, "looks like your boyfriend is here."

~ Y/N POV ~

Your eyes fall on jungkook waiting in the car, you smiled at taehyung and walked to jungkook's car. You waved a 'bye' at him and minutes later jungkook questioned you about taehyung "who was that?" You simply replied by saying " just a friend."

Jungkook nodded his head and continued to check his phone. The car remained silent until the driver announced "we're here sir" You looked at jungkook as he said "let's go" with a bunny smile on his face.

You were confused, not knowing where he was taking you. Both of you got down the car as you saw a huge building in front of you, many people around the gate.

Jungkook spoke as you smiled at him,  "welcome to my office" You both walked inside the office and all his colleagues started greeting him. 

He got you inside his cabinet as you start to 'wow'. The office was just so huge and beautiful. It was finally you and jungkook after a lot of security following you. He started "so, you liked the workplace?" You replied " yes, it's beautiful "

You giggled as jungkook complimented "not more than you." Both of you ordered food and sat talking. 

Soon the conversation broke as a manager came into the cabin, "Sir, we have a meeting to attend." Jungkook didn't want to leave you, but he had to, for the job he had to do.

You were planning to leave his office and booking a cab for yourself to home. But jungkook refused for you to go alone in a cab, instead, he insisted on him coming and dropping you off. 

You had work to do and waiting for an hour wasn't an easy job for you. So you told him you had to leave. 

You walked out of the office as jungkook left for his meeting. You sat back in the cab still in the taehyung's hangover. 

You had a different feeling after meeting him, he was a beautiful human and such a gentleman. You had too many thoughts about taehyung taking over jungkook. You finally reached home and turned on your phone as you saw messages from jimin.

JM: im sorry, I couldn't come.       

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