Chapter 16

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      Josh's POV

"I am here to see Colleen Ballinger and Rachel Ballinger they got in a car accident late last night." I told the lady at the front desk panicked. "They aren't in good enough condition for visitors yet but if you wait in the waiting room I will let you know when you can visit them." The nurse told. "Ok thank you." I said to the nurse. Molly started to cry and so did I. Colleen and Rachel are everything to me. "I hope they are going to be alright." Molly said as she was crying. "Me too honey. Me too." I said. ( 3 hours later) "Hi. Are you Joshua Evans?" A doctor asked me. "Yes. That's me." I told him. "Colleen is doing better but she hasn't woken up from surgery yet. Rachel is starting to wake up so you can visit her, but Colleen isn't ready to be visited yet." He said. "Ok. What room is Rachel in?" I asked the man. "Room 119." He said as he pointed down the hall. We walked in the room to see Rachel open her eyes. "Hi Rachel. How are you doing?" Molly asked her. "Just Peachy." Rachel said with 2 thumbs up. She always finds the positives in things. That's why I love her. "Where's Colleen?" Rachel asked me. "She is not awake yet." I told her. "What even happened?" Molly asked Rachel. "Someone hit us head on and we flipped multiple times." She explained. "Well. We are glad you are okay and tell us if you need anything." I told her. "Thanks Josh. I am going to try to go back to sleep now." Rachel said to me. "Let's go get something to eat." I suggested to Molly on the way back to the waiting room. "Ok. Whatever you want." Molly said. "Let's go down to the cafeteria and get something there." I stated knowing she wouldn't mind.

       Molly's POV

"What do you want to eat?" Josh asked me. "I kind of want fruit." I told him. "Get what you want." Josh told me too worried about Colleen to even think. We got our food and sat down at a table. "Colleen will be okay. She is a tough one." Josh told me trying to hide how scared he was inside. But I knew. "I know. But either way we will get through this together." I explained to him. "I know sweetie. Ok let's go back up now." He said after he finished his tiny bit of food and starbucks. I am scared inside but I don't want Josh to know because he is afraid enough himself. I don't want to loose anyone else in my life especially Colleen. She is the only person other than Josh that actually truely love me. We were going to be a family.

        Rachel's POV

It has been 4 days since Colleen and I got in the car accident and she still hasn't woken up. Time is running out and I can't loose not only my sister but my best friend. She is everything to me and so many people around the world look up to her. "Hey Rachel. How are you feeling?" My doctor asked me. "I'm feeling much better and my headache went away finally." I told him. "That's good. We are going to release you at 6 o'clock tonight." He told me. "Oh that's great! But what about my sister? " I asked him. "When and if she wakes up we will decide what to do." He told me.

       Molly's POV

"Can I be alone with Colleen for a minute?" I asked Josh. "Sure. Why not." He said clearly messed up with all of this going on. Colleen and Rachel's family are all in the waiting room and have been for the last couple of days. It's nice to see them but it's not for a good reason obviously. "Listen Colleen. I really love you and you are all I need. Please wake up because I want to be a family. I finally found someone who loves me and I can't loose another person in my life." I told her as I held her hand. "I am going to sing you a song that I learned while you were touring and it's called "Stay with me" because I want you to stay with me Colleen." I told her knowing she wouldn't respond. I began to sing. I finished the song and there was no respone from her at all. I guess I'll try again tomorrow.

       Josh's POV

As the days go on my heart breaks a little more everyday. She is the love of my life and I can't loose her. Molly sings Stay With Me everyday thinking Colleen will hear her but I don't think she understands. Colleen has been in a coma for almost 2 weeks and hasn't even moved. Seeing her with tubes in her face all the time breaks my heart. "Hey Josh. How are you doing?" Gwen asked me trying to stay positive. This must be extremely hard for her because Colleen is slipping away from us more and more everyday and we can't pay anymore money to keep her hooked up to all the machines. We all decided to give her 1 more day and then we would say goodbye.

      Molly's POV

Today we are saying goodbye to Colleen and it's the hardest day of my life. Everyone has cried so many tears today rightfully and it's so hard on everyone. We all gathered in Colleens hospital room one more time to say goodbye and I decided to sing my song I always sing to her. "Spending the last several months with all of you has been the best time of my life and I wanted to say thank you and I love you all. I always sing a song to Colleen and I was wondering if I could sing that to her one last time?" I asked everyone. "Of course you can honey." Gwen said with tears in her eyes. I finished singing the song and at that moment everyone was crying until one thing we all thought would never happen...... Colleen opened her eyes.


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