Chapter 29

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Josh's POV
As I sit in my old bedroom in Georgia I start to wonder. Why did I do this. I am starting to forget the most important people in my life. What has gotten into me. *Knock Knock* "Hey josh, how are you feeling?" My mom asked in her sweet southern accent that I love so dearly. "I'm okay I guess. I just don't know if I made the right choice. Should I go back?" I asked my mom staring at the wall. She sat down on my bed. "Well you know, you don't have to go back so soon. You won't be able to realize how much you love Molly and Colleen until you take some time away." She told me. A part of me is saying listen to your mom she's always right but another part of me is saying, no fight for them. "I think I'm going to stay here for a few days, but I need to go back and be with them." I told my mom. "I knew you would make the right choice." My mom said back to me.

Colleen's POV
"How am I going to tell Molly?" I asked Rachel during sound check. "I think you should talk to Josh again before you say anything to Molly." "I can't talk to him again. He made his choice. I think I should tell Molly." I say to Rachel not looking at her.
Ring* Ring*
Mom- Hey Colleen what's up?
Me-Josh left.
Mom-What do you mean?
Me-He's going to stay with his family in Georgia and I don't even know for sure if he's coming back. I don't know what to tell Molly or even how to.
Mom- Oh honey, everything will be okay. Do you want to talk to Molly?
Me-I guess so.
Molly- Hi Colleen!
Me- Hi sweetheart what are you up to?
Molly-Nothing much. Just watching a movie with your mom.
Me-Listen. I want you to know this isn't your fault but Josh went back to Georgia to be with his family. And I don't know when and even if he's going to come back. Which means you can't be adopted until he does come back. But I promise everything will work out. Ok?
Me- Molly??
Molly-I have to go. I'll see you in a few weeks.
Me- No Molly wa

Then she hung up.

Molly's POV
What am I supposed to do. Sit here at Gwen's house without knowing if I'll even be part of this family. I can't. I can't lie to myself like that. I need to go to Colleen's house and get my stuff. "I'm going to go take a nap. I think you should get some rest too." Gwen told me. "Ok. I will." I said. I waited to make sure Gwen was asleep before slipping out the back door.
I have been walking now for about 2 hours and I'm starting to get really tired. How am I supposed to get all the way to Colleen's.
* 3 hours later*
Crap. I didn't think about this how do I get in the house? Oh! The garage code. It's the year Colleen and Josh met. (Not really. 😂😂) What am I supposed to get. I can't take the things Colleen gave me that's wrong. *Ding Dong* What the heck. Who is that? Is that the garage door? "Hello?" A voice said. Run. Run. Run.

Gwens POV
"Hey where's Molly?" I asked Tim when I got up from my nap. "I thought she was in the room with you. Is she not?" He said looking concerned. "Oh right, Teeny came over and took her to her house." I told him so he didn't worry. "Well I'm going to go get some dinner. See you in a little bit." I said before hurrying out the front door.
*Ring Ring*
Me- Listen I know that you left but I need your help. I didn't want to call Colleen. She only has a few days left on tour and I wanted her to finish but Molly is missing.
Josh- What???
Me- I told her I was going to take a nap and I guess she left while I was sleeping. I just don't know what to do. I need you and I know you need us.
Josh- I'm on the next flight out there. Bye.
I need to find her. But where could she have gone. I drove around the neighborhood for hours looking for her before having a mental breakdown.

Molly's POV
Get in the closet. *Slam*. Well that blew my cover. "Is someone there?" I heard the voice say as they come closer to me. Then the closet door flies open and I see Colleen's friend Lilly standing there. "Molly?" She says relieved. "Ummm Lilly? What are you doing here?" I ask her really embarrassed. "Colleen told me I could stay here before my flight back to Canada." Lilly said. "What are you doing here all alone?" She asked. "Oh it's a long story but I should really be goi-" I say as I try to run but Lilly grabs my arm back. "Are you here all alone? Don't you lie to me." She said obviously being serious. "Well when Colleen left for the tour, Josh got all angry and sent me to Colleen's moms house. Then he flew back to Georgia because Colleen and him are getting a divorce or whatever. And I didn't want to have to be without a family in an orphanage so I left." I said before trying to leave again. But with no surprise she grabbed my arm. "Molly. That is so dangerous. And Colleen and Josh aren't even married yet. They can't get a divorce. And you will always be part of their family. Legally or not. Gwen is probably freaking out she's so scared. Let's call Josh okay?" She asked me. "No. Please can we just talk a little longer? I don't want to mess things up yet." I told her. "You aren't going to mess things up, but yes I will talk to you a little bit longer." Lilly said. "How did you get all the way from Gwens house to here anyway?" She asked. "I walked." I told her proudly. "What!! You walked that far. You must be starving. Let's go in the kitchen and get you something to eat. Then we will call Colleen, alright?" Lilly asked in the most motherly way. "When is your flight? I don't want you to miss it because of me." I asked her while we ate. "My flight is not the concern right now. It's you. And you know you are going to be in a lot of trouble when Colleen gets back right. What made you think it was okay to run away from the people that love you like that?"  She asked me. "I don't know I wasn't really thinking I just didn't want to make things worse by being there but I guess I did anyway. I honestly think I'm too much of a problem and I really do need to go. And I know you don't understand and that's okay because I don't expect you too." I said to her trying not to cry. "Molly. You are so loved. You are loved by anyone that knows anything about you. I know you think you should go but you shouldn't. Colleen needs you especially now." Lilly said. "Now let's call Colleen before she gets too worried." Lilly said while pulling her phone out.
*Ring Ring*
Colleen: Hello?
Me: Hey
Colleen: What's up?
Me: Ummm did Gwen not call you?
Colleen:No? WHATS WRONG?
Me: Oh nevermind I guess nothing. Bye!
Lilly: Hey Colleen its Lilly.
Colleen: Oh hi! I was wondering why Molly was calling on your phone. Why is she calling from your phone.
Lilly: Well I guess while Gwen was taking a nap Molly ran away because she said you and Josh were getting a divorce and she wasn't going to be loved and she said she isn't good enough to be part of your family. Which I know isn't true.
Me: See this is why I didn't want her to know.
Colleen: Honey, you mean so much to me. More than you'll ever know and I want you to know that. I don't know what is going to happen with Josh but I think he just needed space. He still loves us very much and I think our careers are getting the best of us.
Me: I'm sorry I just thought I ruined everything again. Can you come home?
Colleen: Listen. I love you so much, but I have so many people counting on me to do the show for them. I will be home really soon okay?
Me: It's fine. I guess I understand I'll just wait for Josh.
Colleen: Umm yeah. Sure. Well I have to go I love you and miss you!
Me: Love you too! Bye.

Josh's POV
This is my fault and I know it. I shouldn't have ever left. I don't even know what I was thinking. "Ladies and gentlemen we have safely landed in California." I heard the flight attendant say over my headphones. I grab my things and run off the plane right to my Uber. I told my Uber driver my address and tell him to hurry. I run up to the front door and I fish around in my pocket for the keys when someone opens the front door before I can. It's Molly. "MOLLY!" I yelled.

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