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I lay awake every night thinking of what he could have become, what future we could've had.

Jason Todd was my best friend, and boyfriend. It broke all of our hearts watching the footage the sick, twisted, clown himself had sent us. Bruce, Dick, Alfred and me sat in front of the batcomputer, just watching him torture our poor Robin. We never found him and gave up hope.

Sometimes when I can't stand to think about Jason anymore, I go to the manor. I barely ever see Bruce anymore. He put himself into stopping criminals. His mission was always to stop the joker but Bruce can't go across that white line, "its too damn easy" he says. Every time he wants to kill the crazed lunatic.

Dick spends more time at the manor and when I see him we just talk. It's calming and helpful for both of us. Tim's a sweet kid but he never really knew Jason and for that we aren't as close. And out of all of them, Damian is my favorite of the family. Jason would've gotten along with him. Sometimes they have the same motives and attitude, it's truly adorable. Him and I talk about school, how he likes it in the manor, and what wants to do when he's older. Just like Jason, Damian is tough on the outside, but if you know him, sweet on the inside, total brat though.

Today, Bruce offered me over for dinner. Of course I said yes. I could never say no to a night with everyone there and to Alfred's cooking. I made my way to the manor, with one of Dick's extra Honda Rebel 300's (motorcycle). That night, we had Alfred's famous mozzarella and Basil pizza and had a movie night.
Bruce seemed anxious, like he wanted to say something to me. I didn't realize at first though. It was Damian's turn to pick our movie, so he chose The Crow.

Tim and Damian were acting like kids throwing pillows at each other while me and Dick just talked about how we were doing, and threw popcorn at the boys for being too loud. I'm glad to call these weirdos my family.


I finished the last of punching and kicking the criminals in Gotham, and made my way to y/n's apartment window. She wasn't at here place which happened maybe once a week maybe twice. But I knew the only other place she could be. Once I got to the manor living room window, I saw this the new guys messing around while Dick and y/n threw popcorn at them. She was laughing and perfectly glowing.
Her smile could fill a room. Her laugh made me miss her more and more. Sometimes I wish I was still doing movie night and eating dinner with Dick and her. Just seeing her happy makes me happy.


All of a sudden I saw a small shadow coming from the window. I went to go look when Bruce stood up and walked into the hall. "Not staying till the end, Bruce? " Dick asked being a little cocky as always. "I'm going to the cave if you need me. " Bruce said sternly. "What's his deal" Dick asked me, "I don't know, let's find out. " "Ok you two, don't break anything, Alfred's just in the kitchen. " Dick reminded Tim and Damian. "Eye Eye Dick" Tim said while shoving a pillow in Damian's face. "Weirdos" I chuckled.

When me and Dick got down to the cave, Bruce was there with a picture of Red Hood on the computer. He had just shown up in Gotham no further than a few months ago. Bruce and us had been scratching our head on whether this vigilante with a bat symbol was friend or foe. One thing was, he killed, meaning he truly didn't follow us. "No leads? " I asked "No. This guy... he's a ghost. " Bruce said as he fixed his position in his seat. "This guy has training, and a grudge. I mean there must be something. " Dick said trying to help Bruce. "Bruce, if you need me to, I can suit up, help Dick search on rooftops? " I said. "This guy is dangerous, I don't want any of you out there without me. Thanks for trying to help, really but I would like to be left alone for a while. " Bruce told us while getting out of his seat. "Yeah, well y/n and I will go back up stairs to check on the boys. " Dick said, jerking his head at the elevator. I got in while Dick commented before leaving, "We're here to help, know that Bruce. " Dick entered the elevator and we went back to the living room.

"Tim! Damian! Where are you two? " I yelled seeing they weren't on the couch. Tim jump from around the corner and whispered "Hey guys, we're playing tag. Damian's it. " And then out of nowhere Damian jumped down from the book shelf, landed on Tim's shoulders and yelled "YOUR IT!" Making my heart skip a beat, when he scared all three of us. From the hallway came Alfred's sweet British voice "Master Damian and Tim I believe it is time for you two to get ready for bed. " Giving me and Dick a wink on his way upstairs, while I mouthed thank you.

Dick quietly chuckled "Boys will be boys am I right? " I smiled and said "Dick you used to be the exact same, in fact you still act like a child, but yes, your right. " "Some things never change" Dick smirked. "Well it's been fun, but I'm going home" I said walking towards the door "Aww, no sleepover? " Dick said frowning his face. "We both know your night isn't over, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting. " I smirked back at him. "Ugh fine, your right. See yah y/n! " He said opening the door for me.

Authors note-
Being as I wrote this a year ago, and as my first story, I'm going over every chapter again. Fixing words and possible auto corrects. Along with a few embellishments.
Also thank you guys for blowing up this story so much! I didnt expect it, but I love that you guys like this story so much. Comment if you want some stories like this and ideas for future stories!
Thank you!

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