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It's been almost a year. Now I know how she felt when I died.
But Bruce told us to turn our attention to finding and apprehending X.
X now had Bane, Clay face, Firefly, Poison Ivy, and even Harley Quinn had joined by her side. After the Jokers death, no one saw Harley but they say X comforted Harley. I guess it's the girl to girl thing.

Dick and Damian made their way to Blüdhaven, to deal with some minor crimes, while Bruce, Tim, and me stayed. Bruce wanted Tim to stay with him finding clue as to her identity, and put me on patrol every night for another month.

I found her and a few militia men along with two militia tanks one night. I hacked into the drones control sequence and disarmed it for 5 minutes. And went in for the attack trying to go for her first but she ducked, "Back for more, Red? " She said smirking. "Why else would I be here? " I commented back. She cracked her knuckles before stepping back telling her men to attack me. "Boss? Tanks are offline! " One of her men shouted "I know, you didn't really think, he'd just swoop in knowing there were two armed tanks here,right? "She explained as if she knows me. She just watched as I beat her men up. I finished and she merely laughed. " When are gonna stop listening to him. I remember almost being scared when people talked about the Red Hood, now I laugh. He holds you back. " She told me. "And who are you to talk. You don't know my intentions. " I snarked back. "Or do I? You want to stop crime, your way. But now you take orders from him. " She reminded me. "No one tells me what to do! " I yelled. "Then prove it, prove you have no humanity. Prove he doesn't over power you." She forced me ordering three more of her men to come to her position. "Kill them. " She whispered. I grabbed my gun hesitant, and shot all three of the soldiers in the head. Next I pointed it at her, " Well, what are you waiting for? " She asked. In cold blood I shot her, in the head. I stopped breathing for second and realized what I had done. Sure I killed another villian of Gotham, but this time it felt different.

All of a sudden her body that laid on the street turned to mud. And I heard a slow clap coming from behind me. "I thought you wouldn't do it. Really, I thought you'd be under his spell. Not able to break out. " X stood in front of me. I was confused as to how. "He works for me, Red. " She explained as I turned around to see and large, lump of clay, dirt, and mud. "Clayface." I whispered. "Oh good, you two know each other. " X said as his fist met my face. Cracking my mask and knocking me out.

Y/n's View
"Pathetic! " I yelled, "Grab him, we're going back to base. " I told Clayface. When we got back I tied him to a chair and took off his mask.

Jason's View
I woke up tied to a chair with my mask off. "Where am I? As I saw X in front of me. " I don't get how you where this, I mean seriously I could never where it. "She said off topic. " Where am I!" I asked again "Temper, Mister Todd. You are at one of our many bases. " Great, my cover has been blown. "Why won't you just kill me? " I asked. "Jason, if I wanted to kill you it would've already been done. " She explained. "Then what do you want from me. " I added. "What makes you think I want something from you? " She asked inspecting my helmet. "Never mind. " I said softly.

We sat in silence for a while until one of her men came in. "Boss, new gun shipments are in. Are we still okay to send them to Dead shot? " He asked. "Yes, tell Floyd it was great doing business with him. " She said looking at the militia man. "Dead shot, huh? You get more and more popular by the minute don't you? " I told her. "Don't try to be a smart ass. " She demanded me. She left moments later leaving my helmet on the table. She had told two militia men to watch me as she left. My helmet got their attention so they walked over to it, while behind my back, I grabbed the detonator. In a moment of weakness, I had programed my helmet to connect to the detonator so that it explodes. I put my thumb on the button and pushed it, creating the helmet to explode. The reaction shoved the two men out the window behind them and pushed me on my side. Soon enough I got untied and 4 more men came upstairs. I grabbed the gun on the table and shot all 4 of them twice.

I heard X walking up the stairs so I hid behind the door waiting for her. She walked into the room without seeing me and when her back was turned I grabbed her and grappled us to the roof of a nearby building. When we landed on the roof, I caught my breath and got on top of her, pulling her arms away from her waist. "Get the fuck off me! " She screamed. I put my right hand around her neck as she grabbed my wrist, trying to pull me away. When I thought I had put her down, she kneed me in the groin and headbutted me. She push me over and ran to the edge of the roof realizing I had her gun and grappling hook. "You shouldn't leave your stuff unattended. " I smirked. "You son of a bitch. " She swore back. "You've got nowhere to run" I told her. "Who said anything about running? " She asked, and jumped off the roof. I sprinted to the edge of the roof and used the grappling hook to grab her arm, before she fell to her death.

I grabbed her by the waist and pushed her against the power box also on the roof. Catching her breath, she asked, "Why didn't you let me die?" "Batman doesn't hold me back. Batman holds me to the right of justice and teaches me the right way to handle a situation. I have a temper and it gets the better of me, but no one tells me what to do. Not him, not even you. " I told her, pushing her body with one hand and holding her wrist with my other hand. "Fine, do what you want with me. Take off my mask, take me to jail, even kill me. I don't care. " She said as she jerked her face towards mine. Before yelling at me anymore, I took off her mouth mask, "What the hell are you---" and kissed her.

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