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This story will mostly be on Jason's view just in case you forget😁

"Please Grayson! Please Todd! Come on guys, I have training. I'll stay by you the whole time! " Damian whined "Fine! I trust you can handle him, Jason? " Dick said scolding me with his eyes if I didn't say yes. "Okay. But one mistake and you go home, okay? " I told Damian. Quickly Damian changed in his suit before we went out. Dick took founders island, Tim took Bleak Island and me and Damian took Miagani Island. Patrol normally takes 3 ish hours, if there's nothing to be seen.

*Over Comms*
"Guys, I found some of Ex's men. They have red N- C's on their back. I'm going to interrogate them, see what they know. " Dick inform us. "Got it. Call if you need back up. " I replied.
*few minutes later*
"Alright, I've found out her base is here on Founders island, she doesn't tell many men anything. "Good, Tim, Damian and I will make our way to your location. I explained. " Jason, shouldnt we wait for Bruce? " Tim asked.
"We can at least lower done the buildings with and without activity giving us a few locations. "
"Fine. We spilt up on either sides of the island. " Dick said
Later that night me and Damian found a place in Ottisburg by the Bank of Gotham where there were snipers and the most activity in the area. We explained this to the others and to Bruce when we got back. "We hit it tonight. " Bruce says walking to his suit. "What's the plan? " Dick asked. "I'll take out the snipers first, Damian I want you on the roof knocking out anyone up there. Tim, Jason take out the men inside. Dick locate X and take her out. " Bruce told us.

Moments later the snipers were taken out and so were the first floor men. I moved back to the roof with Damian while Tim stayed down.

Dick's View
I crouched on a street light across the window where she was. She was with 3 other men. "I want this area kept secure! " She yelled at her men with her semi robotic voice hiding her real voice.
*on Comms*
"On my signal" I said making sure everyone was ready for when I get her.
"NOW! "
I broke through the window as she dodged my electric charged sticks. She used her grappling hook to go to the third floor on a ledge going up to the roof. I stopped the 3 men as we cornered her on the roof.

Jason's View
She grappled up to the roof where me and Damian were. He threw a Batarang at her and easily, she dodged it. As she tried to run to another roof top, I took out my gun and shot her in the thigh. "Jason! " Batman yelled at me. I watched her fall on the ledge, holding on to the small brick, barley holding on. I did nothing... just watched, "What are you doing we have to save he... " Damian yelled as he slipped run towards me. I tried grabbing him before almost falling myself. "No! " Bruce yelled gliding through the air.

In a moment of surprise before Damian was lead to his death, she grabbed his arm. Barley holding on, X grabbed Damian's arms. Bruce came swooping in to grab Damian's other arm as she pulled him up. Damian was safe. Just when Bruce gave his hand to her. She purposely let go, dropping a smoke pelet down. A few moments later we looked to see if she died, but her body wasn't there. She escaped.

"Are you ok, Damian? " Bruce asked still holding his arm. "I'll live, thanks to her. Weird a villian can do good. " Damian spoke catching his breath. "Tim, Dick, get Damian home. Make sure he isn't injured. " Bruce commanded. As they left, Bruce starred at me. Yup he was pissed. "Why did you shoot her?! " Bruce shouted. "It's not like it did anything, I mean Damian would've died if she wasn't there after I shot her. " I explained. "No Damian wouldn't have even been in this problem, had you taken her down like I said. And now she's gone. " Bruce blamed me. "I'm sure we'll get another chance and not everyone listens to you Bruce. " I said grappling away. Under his breath, Bruce said, "clearly."

I ended up going to a bunker I had just out of Gotham. It had a great view of the city. Or what's left of it. Y/n and I would sometimes sneak out with a tent, blankets, and pillows and just look at the stars when we were younger. God where did you go y/n/n?

Y/n's View
I made my way to Bane's hide out in Bleak Island. His head quarters was off the record. While limping, I made my way to where he was. "What the hell happened to you? " Using cocky tone, he asked. "We were ambushed. Batman, Nightwing, Robin, Robin jr and Red Hood. Took out the men there, and shot me. Call someone to get tools, so I can get this stupid ass bullet out of my thigh. " I told Bane.

Once I had got the bullet out and fix up myself I was tired and ready to clear my mind. "I'm going out, don't wait for me" I told Bane and some other thugs. Oh my god I was starting to sound like Jason.

I sat on top of a crane, near Ryder heights amused by the fire and chaos in Gotham. Although this city is pretty shitty most the time, sometimes the views are beautiful from how you look at it.
*over Comms*
"X.We have just got a squadron of militia tanks, asking for a trade. " Bane informed me. "What in exchange? " I asked. "More weapons for closer attacks. Asking precisely for Automatic Assault Riffles and Carbines. " "Tell them we can have those shipped with in the next 3 days."
Most of the Militia either worked for Deathstroke or the Arkham knight and now are without jobs. God those two are absolute pricks who thought they would win.

Batman may win in the end, but I will never be forgotten. Why I'm loved, cause I don't give a damn about the rules. I'm more than a villian, I'm an idea, a philosophy, and I will live on in the shadows within Gotham's discontent. (Netflix- Gotham s4, e18) 😁

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