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Almost 5 years later

Everyone had moved on. Dick joined a group of hero's called the Titans. Being the watchful protectors of our world. They are like the Justice League, for teenagers. Tim purposed to Barbara and got married. Tim's younger than Alfred, Bruce, Dick, and me but yet got married first. True love I guess. Tim took some time from fighting and focused on his new life with Barbara. Batman took Damian in as his new Robin. He has the heart and soul of a Robin as well. Bruce found out how to parent while maintaining the leagues problems and Gotham's. Bruce would tell about the people he would run into, Black Canary, Arrow, Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Supergirl and more. He also told us about places he had been, Central City, Metropolis, Star City, Coast City excetra.
And Damian, well Damian was loving his life. Although his real mom was Talia Al Gul, Selena Kyle came by yo hang with him, said she always wanted a kid, and Bruce was okay with raising Damian with her.

Me on the other hand, never really moved on. I was alone. When y/n said I wouldn't see her again... She meant it. I became the old Red Hood, working by myself. The last guy I stopped was Deacon Black fire. God that guy says some messed up things, he sounds high. But I don't think hell be seeing God, only the Devil. This week Bruce wanted me to go to Star City and update Oliver Queen on the Justice Leagues issues.

Y/n's View
Star City, calm, peaceful, worry-free city. I needed a new life so five years ago I moved here. I work at Star City Auto Mechanic Engineering Department. We take old cars and fix them, and out them up for sale. I'm in charge of fixing engines and specialize in Combustion Chambers, Inlet manifolds, and head gaskets. I also help my friend Oliver Queen with new powered technology. Yes I know he's the Arrow, but that's the fun of it. Oliver is actually how I met my boyfriend, Roy Harper.

I really understood him. He and I were forced be something we don't want to be. He became a living weapons and I was trained to knock out a living weapon but we gave it up of life. Of course, if I wanted to leave my old life behind, I could tell a soul what I did. Roy and I, live in a cozy apartment building, with lovely old couple for our neighbors. I got up out of bed to go get some coffee but was too lazy to turn on the lights.

"Ahhh! Roy you scared me, what are you doing up? I was startled. "Ollie wants me to come to work early so I'm up. " Roy explained. I looked down at his watch to see it was 5am, a usual time for both of us to be up. "Yeah my boss told me I have the day off, because someone messed up three spark plugs yesterday and added the wrong oil into the tank. So his punishment is doing my job for the day. " I told him. "Damn, well that means you can come with me to the base, Felicity has missed you. Plus Diggle needs help on his car. " He explained. "Okay." I said as he kissed me on the lips."I'm going to take a shower, want to come? " Roy asked and winked. "... Fine. " I said smiling.

At the base
We got there to see Felicity at the computer as always while Diggle and Ollie practice their defense. "Y/n!!!!! It's been forever. " Felicity said running over to hug me. "City, it's been a week. " I laughed. "Oh whatever, still a long time. " She chuckled. "Ollie! Dig! " Roy yelled gesturing them to come over to us. "Hi, y/n/n." Ollie said giving me a side hug. Ollie felt like a big brother to me ever since I got here, and I loved it. "So, what's today? " Diggle asked. "One of Bruce's kids is coming to inform us about the League. " City said. I wasn't listening, because I was helping fix an engine box by reconnecting a connection rod, so the piston will work again, on Diggle's truck.

Jason's View
I made my way to Oliver's Base. I wasn't really familiar with his crew, I only knew his brother, Roy. We had crossed paths during missions. "You must be Jason, Bruce has told us all about you. " Oliver said coming in for a hand shake. "Yeah, umm, that must mean your Diggle, Felicity, and Roy. " I said pointing to each other them. A familiar voice came from the otherside of the room. "Dig! What the hell did you do to your engine? I'm gonna need to get new spark plugs and cam shift barings." She said said with a chuckle. I looked up to look at her... It was y/n. She had dyed her hair h/c and cut it to her shoulders. She was wearing a red flannel, with black jeans and combat boots. But she didn't even acknowledge my existence. "I'm going to the shop to get some more parts, don't wait up. " She said walking to the elevator. "Anyways Jason, you were saying about Central City? " Felicity asked. "Oh, right yeah.. " I said after seeing her for the first time.

"That's y/n, she's one our friends, an engineer, and my girlfriend. " Roy told me. GIRLFRIEND! Are you serious! She moved on? I thought we would find out or way back if we found each other "Okay well, we will give you a drive to keep in contact with us for later, so come back in an hour to get it. And if I'm not here ask Y/n, she's always here" Felicity said "Okay."

Y/n's View
"Hey! I'm back! " I yelled. "Hey, Dig went home, he wasn't feeling well. But he left his truck for you. " Ollie told me, "Thanks, do you guys want to come with me and Roy to dinner tonight? " I asked "Yes, yes, yes. We need a night off. " City said sighing. "Okay... See yah at 7." Ollie said as he and City left. I stayed to help on Diggle's truck while Roy fixed his suit up.

Vigilante- Red Hood x FEM Reader- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now