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Still on the roof top, kissing her, she pushes me away. "How? How do you know? " She asked "Just a guess or two. You saved Damian, I know you love that kid. Your fighting style is the same as ours. Y/n had been missing, when you came to Gotham, and I was the one who taught you how to shoot a gun baby, I knew. Truly, I'm surprised Bruce didn't find out. " I explained. "Then you know exactly why I left, and why I do this. " She assumed. "You found out about your parents death. On top I was a shitty boyfriend." I guessed. "My dad worked for Dent, he was asking to get killed! He put our family in danger. I snuck out the night after their death, and detected a gasoline compound of homogenous, mixed with C4-C12. When promethium (fire) touches it, it spreads fast and strong." She told me. "They were murdered, it wasn't your fault, so why punish Gotham? " I asked. "Some people in Gotham will never understand death, criminals, fear, loss. Some will never have to fight for their life. I wanted those people to know what it feels like. To lose everything. To lose hope, justice, peace, and family. " She said quivering. "Then let them pay, but don't bring other into this, your not like this and you know it. " I said coming closer. She kicked me in the leg and grabbed the gun in my holsters. Pointing it at me. "One more step closer and you will die. " She said. I remember what she had said earlier, "What are you waiting for. "

Y/n's View
I couldn't pull the trigger. Even if I wanted to, I knew he was right. I took a deep breath, sighed, and threw the gun off the roof. "Just go, Red. " "Damn, no J, not even Jason? I must have really fucked up. " I said with a cocky tond. "Clearly" As I said, I walked down the stairs on the roof. "If you want this to stop, it will stop. But you won't see me again. " I said before going through the door going inside.

Jason's View
I just stood there, speechless, watching her walk away. Leaving me, leaving my life probably for good. I went back to the manor and explain where I was and who X was. "And then she walked away" "I can't believe y/n would do this? " Bruce said looking down. "I can, she's been through worse than you Bruce. Murdered parents, me dying and sucking as a boyfriend. Gotham under attack twice before her time. " I added. "That's why she saved Damian? " Tim asked "Yes... " I told Tim. "So what now? She said she would leave for good if she stopped the chaos? " Tim asked. " No matter what, y/n always finishes her mission. Within the next week I bet the criminals will run scared and she will be gone. " Bruce explains. "Great." Tim said sarcastically while I stayed silent.

And just like Bruce said within the week Poison Ivy wasn't seen, Harley Quinn was taken to GCPD along with Firefly and lots of Militia Men. Clayface wasn't seen and Bane took his business else where. She did it. When Dick and Damian came back we had told them every thing. It was the first time I saw Damian cry. She took care of him when Dick and Bruce went on long mission, she was his sister. And Dick was more upset about y/n's disappearance after the crime had stopped, than me. I mean her and Dick had been through so much together, they knew each other before I knew her.

Sorry guys this was a short episode but the ending will be coming out soon so thanks for reading!! ❤❤

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