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Bruce took me back to my place and I sat on the couch for hours as the reminiscence of Deathstroke's voice lingered in my head.


He hurt my girlfriend, kidnapped her, put a gun to her head. I am going to kill him one way or another, he will pay for even touching at her. I thought as I sat on a rooftop, which had the perfect view of   y/n's living room and bed room. I saw her there crying, worried probably about me. But if I was going to kill Deathstroke I couldn't be near her till he's dead. I wish I could hug her but that was the pain I was willing to go through.

It had been almost a week and every night, I went to the rooftop to watch her. If she wasn't there she was at the manor. I didn't go over there, Bruce or Dick might see me so I'd just sit. Waiting for Deathstroke to come back so I can kill his ass .

It's now been two weeks, I could tell y/n was giving up. God, she hates me for leaving once again. I saw her leave on her bike, probably going to the manor again. But as soon as she left I saw a light come from her window. I made my way to her window, so who ever was there wouldn't see me. And slowly and stealth-ly crawled through the window to find Deathstroke of all people in her bedroom, searching for her or signs of me. But without hesitation I cocked back both my guns and shot him straight in the head, and a few more shots for extra measure. I watched as his head jerked back swiftly as a small blood splatter appear on her bedroom floor. Next was a loud thud, as his thick costume pieces clancked together.

In order for me to see y/n once more, I had to dispose his body. And clean up his mess.

I sat at the manor, only ever attentive to the sound of Alfred's footsteps or the oprea music in the back as he cleaned dishes in the kitchen. I'm cuddled up in a ball with a large blue soft blanket. The fire place is crackling and protruding warm air to my cold body. I nuzzle myself into a pillow for a nap. When I woke up I went to make myself so food.

That night I decided to sleep at my apartment. I hadn't slept there in the passes two weeks. Too many memories were flooded, permently damaged into my mind. I just got back and making my way across the street. I went to my apartment, just laid on the couch. Thinking. The tv screen on but me deep in thought. Too many thoughts to be honest. By now, It was about 11:30, flipping through tv channels. I looked out the living room window and saw the hooded, shadowed figure on the building across my apartment. My body shivered as thought of it being Deathstroke, but I didn't panic. I started to get paranoid, so I shut the blinds hoping who ever they were, left.
I decided to try and sleep to clear my mind. The worriness was over baring.


I lost sight of her and decided on coming through the door. I grabbed a Bobby pin on the floor near the door and picked the lock.
As soon as I walked in the door, I felt tense. My stomach started to twist, and guilt sprung across my while body. I shouldn't be here, I thought. I took a deep breath and I sat on the island counter in the the kitchen, thinking, what I should do. Honestly I probably sat there for an hour and came to no conclusion. I took off my mask and put it beside me.

I grabbed the picture on the counter. It was of me and y/n when we were younger. It was our first time wearing the suits we had been given. "God I miss those days" I whispered to myself. She and I felt so cool in our suits. We had come into the manor around the same time. Ever since we were little, we did everything together. I grew feelings for her, something that only flourished more as I knew her. Grew more intense seeing her in different ways. I remember and undercover mission, y/n- had to wear a dress and go to this ball for Falcone's funding party. She was there to get information while me and Bruce took down bad guys. She was wearing a slender red dress that fit every inch of her body. I missed the old days with her and I. Better relationship with Bruce. Maybe to know the two other boys, y/n- was so fond of Bruce took in as robins.
The one was his son though, with Talia I believe.


Just like any other night, I just sat there. Not being able to sleep, I thought some tea or milk might help. I walked to the kitchen and found him. Just sitting on my counter. His mask was beside him a he was holding a picture frame. He was hunched over as his legs swayed forward and back. In raged that we had been searching for him for 3 weeks now, I grabbed the pillow closet to me and threw it at him. With his free hand he caught it without looking. He jumped off the counter and set the picture down where it was before then throwing the pillow on the couch as he stepped closer. Looking numb.

Why come back now, all I ever did was fucking love him and reassure him and I are in this together. Everyone kept seeing me as a damsle in distress."Why now? " I said fiddling with my hands. No answer. "Why?!" I started punching his chest in my fit of rage. He just let me punch him and when I stopped due to energy, he wrapped his arms around me holding me tight and never letting go. I could smell his manly scent of a husky, sharp woodly cologne. He placed his head above my head as I hurried myself into his chest. Even if I wanted to let go, he held me down. But this is where I wanted to be in this very moment.
"You have every right to hate me. Hell! I'd hate myself, In fact, I do. If you want me to leave, I will. But if you want me to stay, I will and never let go. I don't want to ever let go y/n." He said still holding my waist, tightly, while my hands we're on his chest. "Never leave me again, we're in this together." He nodded and put his big, strong hand on my chin, moving my head upwards. He peered in my dirty golden Hazel eyes before pulling me in closer. Once our lips met, we couldn't push away. He grabbed my waist and picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his lower back. He gently but aggressivly placed me on the counter. My arms around his neck and his hands rusing down my body. His hands were warm and coding, but intense, needing more. I moved my hands up to the back of his head, roughly massaging his hair. He took one hand off my waist and slipped it up my shirt, touching my cold stomach that I sucked in, unable he was to touch it.

Unfortunately our moment was short lived when Dick walked in my apartment. "Y/n?! We got a lead on... Jesus Christ, right in the kitchen? Come on guys. Listen I love you two, glad your together but for God sakes! " He said "Leave Dick!" Jason said slightly chuckling. "My god" I said.

Once he closed the door I looked back at Jason as be picked me up once more, kicking open my bedroom door and throwing me on my bed. He undress quickly, leaving only his pants on. I jumped on top of me as I felt his solid abs rubbed against my tight shirt. His waist in between my legs and his head at my stomach; he took off my shirt. Then begining to race his fingers on my back. I starred up, releasing a quick breath as he focused on kissing my neck and made his way down. All the way down.

Vigilante- Red Hood x FEM Reader- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now