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I made my way back to Oliver's base to get the chip and make my way back to Gotham. When I got there there was no one in sight. I walked back to the truck to check if y/n was there, like Felicity said. And there was she was, under the front of the truck. "Hey, I'm here to pick up the chip on Star City. " I told her, still under he truck she said, "Oh, yeah. City said you'd be back. Hang on. " She slid herself from under the truck, putting her tools back and getting up. Still not looking at me, we walked over to the computer where she gave me the chip. "So Gotham huh? I used to live there. " Y/n said. "Really, what happened? " I asked. "You've seen that place, I mean seriously. " She explained as she looked up giving me the chip. "You can't blame m... " She stopped and look at me. I smirked, "You gonna give me it? " I step a little closer. "Right. Here. " She stepped back. She took a deep breath and looked down as Roy came over. "Hey Jason, didn't know you'd be back. " Roy said patting my shoulder. "Just getting the info in Star City, and dipping. " I explained. "Well I'm going back to work. " Y/n said walking away. "What did you do to her? " Roy whispered. "What do you mean, I didn't do anything." I arched my eyebrows down. "What did you do to her, she's upset now. " He poked my shoulder. "Wait. She's bored of you isn't she? I can see it, I felt the same way, angered, confused. When she left me." I figured out. "She left you? " Roy asked still pissed. "Ha, oh she didn't even tell you that. Buddy, I was her first everything, seriously. That's probably why she's acting up. She has butterflies in her stomach. " I chuckled then winked as I walked away.

Y/n's View
I couldn't believe after 5 years. I saw him and wow... If anything he had gotten taller, stronger, more charming. But no! I have a boyfriend. I can't, it's cheating. "Hey, let's go home, I need to get ready for tonight." I told Roy. I put on a Red laced dress, knee length. I put my hair into a half up, half down. And curled it. And my favorite pair of black heels.

We had a great dinner with City and Ollie at an Italian restaurant. It wasn't my favorite of places. I was more of a Chinese/Japanese food person but it's okay, I guess. When we got home I got into comfy clothes Roy gave me a glass of wine. Little did I know it had a knock-out pill in it. When I came to, I had been tied to a chair, in my living room... Classy. "Why? " I asked "Now that I know you. I can give you over to Bane." Roy told me. "And why does S
Bane want me? " I asked fidgitting. "After what happened in Gotham, he needed to find you. Told me to keep an eye on you, until I knew for sure you were the one who attacked Gotham. " He explained. "Huh, so what the hell does Bane wanna do with Gotham!? " I asked reaching for my pocket.

"In order to kill the Bat family, he needed an ally, make them surrender, so that he can kill them. " He told me "Thanks! " I said. "Why are thanking me, you will be dead soon. " Roy asked confused. "Well, I have an emergency button, I use for when I'm in trouble. When I press the button, it sends my location, and records everything being said. You just gave a confession to the courts of Star City. Nice try. Oh, and watch out behind you. " I said gesturing my head behind him. Watching Roy fall to the floor with a solid punch. "I remember the button coming in handy a few times, glad you used it. " Ollie said untieing me. "We finally got him, City. Now can we please erase y/n's Gotham history? " Ollie said over comms. "You got it!" City said.

If your a little confused, Roy Harper died a four years ago, while working on a mission on Earth 22. That's when we knew, when he came back, he was a fake. We watched him closely for years and used me as bait. For 3 and a half, freaking years, I had to fake a relationship with him. But when I came to the team, Ollie offered me a free case, if I helped them with this mission. Now I get a clean slate, a new time. No regrets, of the past.

Jason's View
Next day
"This is Viki Vale, reporting live from Star City, where we have gotten word from SCPD, that they had been working with The Arrow for over 4 years now, finding an identity theif. Their original location was in Arkham City, during Scarecrow and the Arkham Knights attack, almost 7 years ago. But he had got out but they have found him, and with a recorded claim to his crimes and to a future threat on the bat family. He went to court 2 hours ago, where they found him guilty as charged. He will be facing 40 years, for identity theift, and having connection to dangerous threats. He has also gave us the location of Bane's HQ. Batman will work with the GCPD to stop this threat. This is Viki Vale. More as it happens! " I watched the news, seeing it was Roy. That's what she had been doing in Star City. Stopping him.

With the help of Oliver and his team, Bruce gave Y/n a clean slate, her history was cleared. She finally let me see her after another 2 months. I asked her to meet me at the manor.

Y/n's View
I walked into the manor where Bruce stood at the door and gave me a huge hug. Damian, Dick, Tim, Barbara, Selena, and Alfred ran into a line to hug me as well. "You caused us all a serious pain, y/n. You never change. " Dick said chuckling. "We all do things for a reason, but we always find each other again, right? " Bruce backed me up. "Where's.. " I was cut off, "he's up in his room. " Dick said as I walked up the stairs to his door. I walked into Jason's room to find he wasn't there. "Jason? " I asked out loud, before being tackled onto his bed. He put his body on top of mine, "Looks familiar?" He smirked grabbing my arms.

"J, about everything that's happened in.. " I tried to say, but he put his finger over my mouth. "Shhhhh. It never even happened, you just took sometime away from us. " Jason explained. "Now come here.. " He said flipping over on to his back, putting me on top of him. He took off his shirt and my special black jacket. I had only had a black bra under it and he pushed me closer as our lips met and the rest is history.

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