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It had been around 6 months now. Jason was getting used to working with Bruce and Dick on missions. And I was used to seeing J less and less. Our relationship was always flexible. When Jason and I had missions and leading secret lives, it was hard. If Jason wasn't on a long mission I saw him once a week at the most. I got used to it but you can't help but wonder why this life.

Jason always had that kind of push away, outer shell type of guy. So, it wasn't easy for me in the first place to be let in. I was starting to think he was bored of me, that our relationship is done. Bruce, Dick, and him had to go undercover as the Black Mask's men in order to stop him. I didn't know that much about Black Mask, only the simple. He was a drug dealer, weapons seller and money taker.

I didn't just wanna wait around, doing absolutely nothing in my apartment all day. So, I decided to take some time for myself. Hang out with friends, go to a few parties. One night I was invited to one of my friend's party and saw a bunch of people I was friends with from high school. I was really happy I was going this; putting myself out there and meeting new and old friends. Moments later, with a couple of drinks in, I got a little tipsy. Normally I could handle my achohol, but maybe I had a couple too many. One thing led to another and I was blacked out on the couch.


It was almost 4 weeks. 4 long ass weeks with Black Mask, but eventually we caught him. He'll testify in court but money can't buy his way out of this one. We had everything, confessions, files, thugs as witnesses and a lot more. I wanted him to swallow a grenade, Bruce told me no. Once returning from the Manor around mid-night, "Ah, Master Todd, Master Grayson, your back. " Alfred greeted me and Dick at the door. "Good to see you too. " I asked, "Hey Alfred? Do you have any idea where y/n is? " Alfred said as he put his book away, "Why, she went to a party with a couple of her friends. Truly she has been having a social week, meeting with others. Good for her I must say. " I remember the days in high school, when y/n used to throw parties all the time at her parents old house.

During the time me and y/n first started dating around the age of 13, her parents died from the result of a random house fire. She had been with me at the manor when it happened. I drove her home to see fire trucks and police cars going in our direction. And ended up at her house. The last thing I remember from that night was her sobbing in my arms as we were told no one survived. A week later, Bruce signed off to be her legal guardian and also when she started training and later became Batgirl.

"Thank you Alfred. " I thought y/n might want a ride home so I went the house Alfred said y/n was at. I remember y/n's friend from high school who was throwing the party. "Hey, Jason it's been a while. I don't know how much but she had a lot. She up in the second bedroom." She said to me. Great, a drunk y/n is never a good y/n. When I got up to the room, i saw her peacefully sleeping as some creep tried to convince her to drink a cup of something. He was obviously was trying to drug her and I was not okay with that! "What the hell do you think your doing? " I yelled at him "Chill man, we're just hanging. " He tried to say. " Are you fucking dumb, she's sleeping. Now listen I'm gonna give you three seconds to leave this room. " I told him putting my hand on my pocket knife." Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do about dude? " The guy asked. Then I simply walked over to him and slit his arm. "Three." I counted down, as he groaned. "Ow, what the hell man! " He yelled. I slit him again, "Two." "Ow, you fucking asshole! " He yelled again, and once again I slit one more line on his forearm. "One." After the third slit he tried to punch me and I grabbed his arm, kneed him in the groin, and headbutt him hard enough he fell. I pushed him aside to wake up y/n.

"Hey, baby. Let's go home. Okay? " I whispered softly. As she woke up she asked if I could carry her to the car. I smirked and did as she asked. I grabbed her by the waist as she cuddled onto my shoulder. When we got to the car, I borrowed from Bruce, I opened the passenger door for y/n. As she let her self in I got in the driver seat.

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