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I woke up to the sound of running water, he's awake. I put his jacket and my suit in the laundry to get the blood out. I changed into something more comfortable and called Mr. Fox in sick for the day. I was finishing making some cinnamon rolls for a sweet breakfast, when Jason came up behind me, "I'm sorry princess, I'm a dick, aren't I? " Jason carefully said. " Your not a dick J, you just get cocky and stupid when your weak. But it's okay, I still love you. " I said while teasing him. "Good" He smirked, "I love you y/n" "I love you more." I said, then the oven timer went off and Jason jumped up and grabbed the cinnamon rolls out. They were his favorite breakfast.

All of a sudden we heard a knock at the door, I told Jason quietly to go in the bathroom and hide just in case. To my surprise it was Dick, two days in a row. "Hey Dick, what are you doing here? " I asked "Oh well I heard you called in sick at work and when Alfred heard he wanted to make you some soup cause you know Alfred. " He said giving a small container of soup. "Aww, well tell Alfred I said thank you. " I said taking the thing of soup. "Hope you feel better" Dick said sincerely after giving me a hug.

When I shut the door I saw Jason pearing through the door. "I know you miss them J" I said looking at him.
"What? " He said, pretending not to care. "J, I'm not stupid you miss Dick, and Bruce, and Alfred. Maybe you should tell them. " I suggested " Baby you know I love you, but no, I can't, not after everything I've done. " Jason said looking down, upset with himself. I walked over to him placing my hand on his left cheek, looking at him in the eyes. "Jason, you can't keep it from them forever. They will found out one way or another. At least let Dick in. He's your brother after all. " After I gave him a kiss. "Why are always right?" He asked. "Because for every stubborn boyfriend, there is an encouraging girlfriend, who off the record saved her boyfriends life last night. " I said with a chuckle. " Which I thank you for dearly. " J said. " Now listen, I'll call Dick, tell him to come back around 8, so you can tell him. " You told Jason. "Deal" Jason agreed.

Around 8, Dick showed up. "Hey, I got your text, what's up. You said you had a lead on Red Hood? " He asked as I let him in. "Yeah about that... " I stopped to show Dick who was in my living room. Earlier I had told Jason to put his suit on, in order for Dick to understand. "What the hell is he doing here? " Dick asked getting defensive. "Easy, Dick. " I told him


I was almost too nervous to tell Dick I'm alive. But as soon at y/n stopped talking, I took off my mask revealing myself to Dick. "Jason? But you're dead. " Dick said confused. "Was dead. Now I'm alibe and well. Now, I only showed y/n my identity the night after your guy's dinner and movie night at the manor. So we haven't been keeping it forever" Jason explained. "So, what you've just been hiding, spying on us all this time? " Dick asked "Look in the last year and a half I've done a lot of messed up things but this is the first time in a while I feel I can see you guys without the damage. " Jason tried to say. " My brother was out there the entire time, just waiting to tell us he's alive? " Said Dick. "Yeah... " Jason said quickly.

Dick walked over to Jason to hug his baby brother, and whispered "I'm glad you're back man, but don't go breaking her heart, she's been through hell for you." Dick walking towards the door said "and don't worry, you secret is safe with me. "
I've never felt more relieved.

Vigilante- Red Hood x FEM Reader- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now