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I watched as Dick and y/n said their goodbyes and grappled up to the top of the manor to watch her leave. On nights like these, I make sure she gets home safe. Only tonight was different. I needed to do something, I couldn't hold back... any more.


I had just reached my apartment complex, and parked my bike in the parking garage right next door. I walked up to my apartment door and unlocked it. Finding the correct key to the door, as other keys and keychains clattered together. As I opened the door, in the dark, I put my black jacket and keys on the hanger next to the door, then shut it. I turned on kitchen light to wash my hands when a voice came from my living room. "I remember when you wore that jacket almost everyday. " I turned to look who was there. I remember seeing this man on the batcomputer. I stared for a moment to gauk at his physique. About 6 foot 2. Muscles almost ripping out of his jacket. And thighs of steal. It was the Red Hood, in a brown leather jacket, black chest plate, with a red bat symbol on it, black jeans, and combat boots. He stood tall, and cocky. And icing on the cake was the mysterious slightly beaten and dirty, red helmet. The eyes with two white-ish lights as well.

With bravery, I looked at him and said "Listen, I don't know who you are, or what your doing here. But have no right to wear the symbol. " He stood up and faced me. He made my knees weak and butterflies swarming in my stomach, but I could never look at him that way, he was a killer. "Oh darling, the bravery we loved you for. And by the way... I've earned this symbol." My heart stopped for a second. I only knew one person who ever called me darling. And that was Jason. I was afraid for a moment he knew my secret identity.

The Red Hood walked closer to me and without hesitation, I grabbed a knife in the drawer, closet to me. I pointed it out in front of him, hoping he'd step back, but he only got closer. Now, he was only 3 feet in front of me. " Come on y/n, is that anyway to treat your boyfriend? " He said with a cocky tone. "My boyfriend died, 2 years ago." I said defensively. In my fit of rage, I tried to stab him. With his strength he easily disarmed me. Grabbing my wrist and hitting his palm to the knife as it fell to the ground. With his one hand on my wrists, his free free hand pushed me onto the wall by my fridge and put my hands above my head.


I had pushed her up against the wall and put her hands above her head. I could see her out of breath, scared and heart beating heavily. I decided with pure kindness, being she is my girlfriend, to let her go. She glared up after taking a breath, "What the hell is wrong with you, what do you want?! " She yelled at me. I turned around, not facing her. I took a quick breath and with my semi-robotic voice said, "uh, I'm gonna regret this."


As he let me go after I yelled at him, he turned around. He yanked off his hood a and then his helmet placing it with one hand on the counter. All I saw was a dark haired man, with a sort-of ombre shave on the bottom. He turned back around as I stared at the back of his head, to the front. My eyes widened, and I lost my breath. I couldn't tell if my heart just sunk or exploded but I did know one thing.

That was my boyfriend.

"J-j-jason? " I mumble, looking at a scar with the letter *J on his cheek. Before starring deeply in his husky green eyes. "Yeah, darling...its me" He said in his deep, brooding, masculine voice. "H-how? " "Not now y/n." And with out saying anything else he wrapped his arm around my waist tightly and with the other one grabbed the side on my neck and kissed me.

"I missed you, Jason. "
"I missed you more, y/n...much, much more. " Jason said, it's almost as if he couldn't believe he was even in the same room as me. Granted I couldn't believe it either.

The next thing I remember, was waking up in my bed. Was it a dream? I sat in my bed confused for a minute. I walked out of bedroom to go to the kitchen, to get some orange juice. When I saw a shirtless Jason Todd making breakfast.

God, I saw how bad the scars were all over his chest and back, it was worst than I thought. But besides that, was his bulging biceps, glisening from the sun through my window. With that, a back of the God's, sculpted by an angel. Like the perfect piece of art.

Before I could go up behind him to hug him, he turned around picked me up and his lips met mine. "Good morning, beautiful" He said with a manly, darkened voice and sat me on the counter. " Damn, I was trying to sneak up on you." I said fixing my self on the counter. "Nice try darling, you forget I'm a vigilante. " He chuckled. I watched as he made us eggs and bacon and put two pieces of bread in the toaster, while setting out two plates. "Since when did you learn how to cook? " I asked, to which he replied with "Well yah know, you wake up in a Lazarus Pit, run away, start a new vigilante life. And well, live alone, so.... I guess, yah learn. "

"Why wait, why didn't you tell me sooner?" I curiously asked. " Y/n, I had to make sure Joker was dead. I didn't want him coming after you. Anyone for that matter. " He said after putting the food on our plates, and coming closer to me till we were face to face as his arms were over me, him leaning on the counter. " You care too much. " I said kissing him on the cheek. "Only for you" He said kissing my lips once more, "But promise me something. And I mean it,
Y/n. Don't tell anyone about me. Understand? " Telling me seriously. "Okay, J... I won't. Not a soul. " I said, reassuring him. "Good, now let's eat. "

Vigilante- Red Hood x FEM Reader- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now