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After our food, it was time for me to go to work so I decided to take a shower while Jason cleaned up our dishes. When I finished my shower, I found a neatly folded outfit set out for me with a note on the top. The note reads-
Hey y/n, I set you out some clothes for you. I hope I did a good job. I'm going out.. Don't wait up for me.
J. T

I smile quickly, then get ready for work, when I hear a knock at my door. I open the door to find out it's Dick. "Dick, hey! What's up? " I asked, wondering why he is here. " You forgot? " Dick asked. "Oh yeah, sorry. We were supposed to go to get coffee before work. " I said hesitant. "Well can I come in? Or do I have to wait out here? " He said sarcastically. " Sorry, yeah come in, god I'm a mess. " I say, feeling stupid. Dick looks around the room carefully. Two clean dishes drying along with two cups. "Who was over this morning? " He asked. The good thing was I was always a good lier. "What do you mean? " I said innocently. " The two plates, two cups. Someone was over. " He said, thinking he was right. " Oh please, as if I would have someone over. I had one cup with orange juice, and one with water and an aspring, I had a head ache earlier. " I said. "Huh, and the plates? " He said more convinced. "I had one with an egg and bacon on it and the other had toast with jam" I said once more. "Oh, sorry it look like you had someone over. " Dick stated. God I was too good at lying. "Yeah, well if your done getting ready, I want coffee!" Dick said. "Ok, yes I'm done Mr. sassy. " I laughed.

I went to get coffee with Dick then headed to work. I work Wayne tower, with Lucius Fox. Bruce gave me a job after helping him repair the Batmobile. He figured I understood the works of mechanics and engineering, so that's what I went to college for, and got the job a year after.
I got done with around 7 and when I got home, just like I thought, He wasn't there. I ended up ordering some take out for myself. I decided to watch The haunting on Hill House (plug😉). I waited a hour more to see if he would show but like I thought, he didn't. So, that's when I called it a night and went to bed.


She must hate me right now. She saw me for the first time in 2 years and I leave the next day. God I'm a douche!
Now come Deathstroke where the hell are you? This mother fucker has killed two many innocent lives and he'll pay.
"Come on! Where are you! " I yelled in an abandoned building that he had lead me to.

And next thing I knew I heard the shots. 5 exactly. 2 missed me but one hit the back of my right knee, the other two hit my right shoulder blade. As soon as then hit I fell to the floor. I felt stif and like I couldn't breath."Let's be honest you were never going to defeat me, Red" Deathstroke said, after jumping down from his scoping area. I took a painful breath out and coughed. He grabbed my arm and dragging me across the floor to the window. Picking me up and leaning me out the window, on what's seen as near by passing cars. "Go to hell" I said in a raspy voice. "Always the insults Red, such a waste" Deathstroke told me right before he pushed me out the window from the second floor, landing on a car. Once I hit the car, it went black. I had passed out.

By the time I came to, I had lossed almost 3 pints of blood. I used the last of my energy to grapple up to a roof top and used my emergency button in my pocket, y/n gave me 4 years ago, hoping she'll get it.


Unable to fall asleep I sat out on the fire escape stairs by my window hoping to see him. But then I heard a siren sound coming from my jacket. It was the button me and Jason had a while back when we did patrol together when we needed help. I knew it was him so suited up in my old bat suit. It surprisingly still fit. A black leather design with a yellow black symb on my chest. The cowl that allow my hair to flow out as well. I had a black utility belt with things such as a grappling hook, smoke pellets, Battrangs, and a few other things. The emergency button had a location tracker on it too, in order for me to find him.

I scampered on rooftops near his location to get a good steal view. I found Jason bleeding out on the rooftop of the building right across from the Sionis Industries. "What the fuck Jason! " I exclaimed. "Hey watch your mouth missy. " He spoke weakly. "What the hell happened to you, J? " I asked. "Tried to go after Deathstroke ... got cocky... Did I mention you still look hot in the suit? God I miss missions with you. " Jason said as if he didn't care he was bleeding out. "You are so stupid. " I said annoyed. "Ouch, baby that was mean. " Jason said acting dumb. "Fine I'll leave you on this roof" I said seriously. "Ok, ok...oww, I'm sorry can we go? " He said realizing how pathetic be was acting. "Yes" I said, glad he stopped playing hard to get as I helped him up, as he kept pressure on his wound with one hand and the other clinging on to me. Once he was stable enough to stand, I wrapped my arm around his waist and grappled away.

We got back to my place and Jason was falling unconscious so had to work fast. I took out all three bullets and stitched them up within 10 minutes. Using the knowledge from pass incidence, I took a needle and sown his wounds then placing guaze and med tape on it. I took off my suit and washed the blood of my hands and clothes. Then getting into a long sleeve shirt and panties. And bailed onto the couch in my living room, to sleep.


When I woke up I was on y/n's bed without a shirt on and my paint leg rolled up to my knee. I was very sore, saw how bloody my hands were. God I got too cocky again. I wonder where y/n is. I stood up but my knee wasn't at its best nor my back. I manage to limp to the door way were I saw her bloody suit, my bloody jacket on one chair and her sleeping on the couch next to it.

God I acted like such a brat. Once again she probably hates me. I walked over to her and sat on the couch and just looked at her. She looks beautiful when she sleeps. Peaceful. I grabbed a blanket hanging off the couch and wrapped her up before going to the bathroom to clean my wounds and repatch myself. Then hopped in the shower.

Vigilante- Red Hood x FEM Reader- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now