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I woke up on a muscular 6 packed body, with scars and bruises. I fixed my head to look up at Jason and to see how adorable he is when he sleeps. Why can't we just stay in bed forever I asked myself. I got up to go to the living when someone knocked at my door. Who could be here at 630 in the morning? I mean it could be Dick but knowing him, he doesn't wake up till 8. I open my door carefully but no one was there. So I walked out in the hallway to look if anyone was there and with a quick moment of pain, I blacked out.


I woke up again, and she wasn't there next to me. I got up and went to look for her.... The front door was open, wide open and the bracelet I had given her years ago with brown leather string and letter beds spelling "y/n n' j", was on the ground. After picking the bracelet and shutting the door I tried to remain calm. And turned on the news and called Dick. "Ugh, hello? Jason what's up? You know it's like 7 in the morning? " Dick said tiredly. "Y/n's gone! " I yelled. " What? How? " Dick perked up. " I don't know Dick, I woke and she wasn't there, the door was open and her bracelet was on the floor. " I said quickly. " Hey j, turn to channel 4, now. " Dick said disturbingly. So I did just that, it was the Viki Vale show.

"Viki Vale reporting live from our news room. We had just gotten a recorded video sent to us and are asked to play it. I must warn you it's disturbing. " After she said that, they play the clip.

"Hello Gotham City, I must warn you about a dangerous criminal running around Gotham trying to kill people. He goes by the name, Red Hood, and he isn't one to mess with. Just for his unlucky-ness I have taken his one. He must meet me at the Sionis industries where he will show his true Identity and watch as his girlfriend dies. " I noticed immediately it was Deathstroke, and he had my girl. She was tied up to a chair. Her head and nose bleeding as she nods up and down, like she's going to pass out. She's looks scared as he put a gun to her head. " If he isn't here in the next 10 hours I put a hole through her head. " He said laughing, then shot the camera.

" Jason? You still there? " Dick said, still on the phone. " Yeah... Yeah I'm here, and I'm going to kill him. " I said in raged. "Come on, Jason you know you can't take him alone, and you don't want to reveal your identity. Let us help you. You know me... Bruce? We love her just like you and we don't want her to die either so please. " Dick begged. " Fine, but don't get in my way. " I demanded.

I was asked to come to the manor. I gave permission for Dick to tell Bruce about me but only I was Red Hood, and he would leave me alone. "Jason? I'm sorry." Bruce said as I got there. "We can do this a different day Bruce. What matters right now is saving y/n." I reminded them. "Right, well the batwing shows we have 3 snipers on the roof, about 20 men inside along with Deathstroke and y/n." Dick told us. "I'll take the snipers, once that's done you two make your way inside and take out the thugs. And I'll go for Deathstroke, but you have to have my back or she'll die. " I commanded "No killing Jason. " Bruce told me. I chuckled, "We'll see about that. "

Only moments later we had gotten to the building and followed the plan.


I had rewoken up to a gun in my face, I used to deal with this nightly so this didn't show any threat to me. "How does it feel, your boyfriend will be dead, and you along with him? " Deathstroke told me. "Please he'll kick your ass and then pump you full of lead. " I said confidently. " Sure" He said starring me down.

"Step away from the girl! " Yelled out a familiar voice. He jumped down from the pillar he was on, and it was Batman. "Red was too scared to show so he sent the Bat. Typical! " Deathstroke said in a cocky tone. "This guy really thinks he's gonna win? " Said another familiar voice. And came down from another pillar sticking a front flip was Nightwing. "And his little side kick? " Deathstroke added. "Not exactly, we're just back up. " Nightwing said. Deathstroke pushed the gun closer to my head, "OKAY! Where is he!? " And before he could get any closer to me, from out of no where, The Red Hood, tackled Deathstroke and beat him to a pulp, as Slade passed out.

Bruce grabbed Jason before he killed him while Dick untied me. "That's enough Jason, He will pay justice for his crimes, I'll make sure of it. " Bruce said pushing Jason away. "You don't get it Bruce... He hurt y/n. He needs to die. Or Selena might be next, Barbra, Damian too." Jason said putting his hand closer to his glock 19.

Bruce knew in his heart that he was right. Bruce walked over to me to make sure I was ok, as Jason grappled away. "Are you hurt? " Bruce asked. "No, I'm okay, Bruce. Thank you guys. " I said hugging them both. " It's no problem, it's what we do. " Dick said with a smile. "Dick track down Red Hood we need to make sure he isn't in anymore danger. " Bruce asked Dick. As Dick grappled away to find J, Bruce pulled me close to hug me. "Why didn't you tell me, y/n? About Jason? " Bruce asked concerned. " Bruce, I love you like a dad. But this was something Jason need to tell you himself. "I explained. " Y/n...you put yourself in harms way, I can't just let that go. " He told me. "Bruce, I used to put myself in harms way every day, when I was Batgirl. And that never stopped me. Now please... Can we just go home? " I asked walking away. "Yes" Bruce said softly.

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