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On our way home I said "J... " "Yes? " He says imitating my tone. "We never see each other, not anymore. " I said with complete honesty. Speechlessly Jason studdered, "Its .... It's not something I have control of y/n. I'm sorry, Bruce and the others need me to take down these criminals with them. Maybe if you were actually aware enough, I'd have a regular conversation with you, but no you go and get drunk. Like look, your about to pass out, just... Let's get home. " As he sighed. Before I could say anything else, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, the bright sun was blinding my view in my bed room. I got used to the light and saw I was in a large t shirt. It smelled like him. It was quiet in my apartment. He wasn't here. I tried to remember what happened last night. All I remember was the party... and the harsh words from J. I didn't know he felt that way. I just got tipsy once, I haven't really lived a normal friggin life since I was 15 maybe, and even that I was still dealing with my parents death and as Batman. And I'm what now 23? I walked out into the kitchen/living room and all that was left was a note-
Hey y/n,
Take too ibuprofen for your headache.
J. T
Great he left again. I start to feel this intensely driven rage. What did I do to deserve this life. I didn't fucking ask! To be taught how to fight crime at age 13. To have my parents die and be adopted by some rich guy. My boyfriend died then came back, theneft again, thinks everything is fine... Than leave again! Who in all honesty, thinks that's this is ok. I don't know how to, but I'm done answering to anyone. Not Bruce, not Dick, not even J.

I wanted to start something. Not just an argument or revenge to show everyone that I don't care, but cuase chaos. Gotham will constume the low life on the street, and keep the rich prospering never to know what fighting for your life is. So, I'd like to change that. This city deserves a better class of criminals.

I grabbed my old suit and some fabric and started to remake my suit.
I put together a black jumpsuit with a red N-C on the back. Paring it with combat boots and a black eye and mouth mask. I created a few rips in the latex suit and added a grunged red leather jacket I then painted a black N-C over. I put my hair down, messy but elegant and put my bulletproof chest plate on. To go the extra mile I dyed my hair black on one side and red on the other, to match the while outfit. I waited till the moon was up to go out. Searching for thugs with what I needed. Weapons. Not battrangs or buttons. No, guns.

I found a group of thugs on the streets. One had two glock 19's and two more had AK-47's. I took out those men first, before finishing the others. Breaking their arms as they tried to punch me, some I kicked in the groin. It was satisfying. Once I had done that, I took their guns spray painted them in a much cooler red detailed desgin. And started my new life of crime.
I named myself The Night Crawler another name for Angel of Death. I hid myself away. I was betrayed by all. Hurt by most. I had ways of tracking down criminals needing of a trusting hand. I started gaining followers, street rats looking for a gang. With Penguin and Two-Face in prison their men needed a new leader. Me. And that's when the chaos started. I had done something real, something true to myself. I wasn't held back by anyone. If someone tried to hold me back anymore, they died. Half of Gotham saw me as a beacon. A beacon of death. A beacon of chaos.


2 months pass by, without seeing her. I had stopped by her place multiple times a day. I got worried. This is all my fault. I need to stop pushing people away. God where are you y/n...

As I sat in the manor living room, Dick came from the passageway. "Jason, new threat, come here. " He informed me. I slapped my book shut and left the couch me and Damian were on. I swiftley made my way to the cave, to find Bruce and Dick looking at a girl with a black suit and distinctive red and black hair. She was surrounded by a bunch of thugs and broods. "Who is she? " I asked hesitant. "They call her The Night Caller or N- C. Known for robbing banks and weapon bunkers. Uses two glocks, and an AK-47. She's a sharp shooter. " Bruce explained " "She wants to strike fear and death into others. Worthy skill set for us. She works with Bane and those intentions are to help gain power and death and fear ...faster. " Bruce said.
"Anything else? " I say. 'Once she's finished commiting a crime, she makes the letters N-C...in fire. She's becoming more popular by the night, they say she allows most of the thugs to do what ever they please, as long as they don't get in her way. " Bruce finished. "And if they get in her way? " Dick asked. "She kills them." Bruce said before getting out of his seat. "Damn, no leads? " I asked. "No, she has no one at her side besides Bane. She's a clean slate. " Bruce explained "But I am going out tonight with Selena, so you to have patrol. Tim wants to go with you as well. " Bruce added. "Have fun on you date, Bruce" Dick said before going back to the Bat computer.

"What's her motive? " I asked myself out loud. Alfred walked in with tea and said, "I tell you the same thing I told Master Wayne about Joker. Some people are looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with... Some people just want to watch the world burn. " After he had told me that, I stood there. Looking at her. A live video of her and some men setting things on fire. And shooting up to celebrate their victory in taking Gotham. Tim walk to me and asked what our plan was tonight. He had to tap my shoulder in order for me to stop looking at her trying to figure her out. "What are you thinking? " Tim asked me. "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villian. Harvey Dent said that before he became Two-Face. Just think if she's the same way. No matter, Gotham is paying for her actions but not for long. " I explained. Dick walked back in the cave and told us to suit up.

Vigilante- Red Hood x FEM Reader- COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now