7 Just the two of us

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I was just about to light the last candles in the living room when I heard Adam's car in the driveway. After I was satisfied with the look of the living room, I went to the kitchen to get the food. Just as I was putting the sushi on the coffee table, the door opened and my handsome husband came in.

"Wow." was all he said.

"Hey baby, take a shower. I'll open the wine," I said to him and turned towards the kitchen. But Adam stopped me with his hands on my hips.

"I've already showered at the gym. And I have to say you look stunning. As always. Relax. I'll get the wine," he said before he gave me a long kiss, then left me and went to the kitchen to get the wine.

"What movie would you like to see?" I called after him.

"Hmm...something we've seen many times before, then we don't have to watch it so closely," he replied and I could clearly hear the smile in his voice.

"Okay, how about 'The Blind Side'?" I suggested.

"Sounds good," Adam said as he stepped back into the living room with the wine bottle in his hand.

"So now I can't wait another minute. What is the surprise Aiden was talking about?" he asked impatiently.

I sat down on the couch and waved him to me. Adam put the bottle on the table and sat down beside me. I carefully removed the aluminum foil that I had put over the food.

"The kids and I made you fresh homemade sushi. I hope you like it. They tried very hard to make it look good," I said proudly.

"It looks amazing! I can't believe you made it yourself. And I bet it tastes even better than it looks," Adam replied smiling.

"Aiden and Alice will be happy to hear that. Have a taste," I said excitedly. And that's exactly what he did. And judging by the look on his face, we did a good job.

"Good?" was what I wanted to know.

"This is the best damn sushi I've ever had. You did a great job," he praised and put another piece in his mouth. 

As we enjoyed our dinner together, we talked about everything that came into our minds and paid little attention to the movie. Afterwards we cuddled up close together on the couch. We both enjoyed the peace and quiet. Of course we loved our children more than anything else, but an evening just for the two of us was a nice change from our often stressful everyday lives.

"I'm glad you did that. It is so nice to have time just for the two of us again. And I am very glad that we both feel better. The last weeks were really hard, but I am glad that nothing happened to you. It's so horrible that we lost the twins. Thank God I didn't lose you, too." Adam whispered as I lay with my face against his neck and he drew little circles with his finger on my back.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I am relieved that it is getting a little bit easier to deal with it every day. At first I didn't think that would be the case, to be honest. I didn't think I was going to make it through this week either. I mean... they would have been born this week. This date will always cause a sting, but I'm glad that we have two healthy kids and that I have you." I whispered back and took a deep breath. 

"I also have a surprise for you. As a wedding anniversary present. In a few weeks you and I and the children of course are going to the country for two weeks. I have rented a cottage. This way we can get out of the city and the children can get to know many different animals. There they have horses, cows, chickens, ducks, rabbits, dogs and many other animals. Alice probably won't know where to start petting animals," Adam told me.

"Really? You've missed so much work lately. Can you really take time off for that? Don't get me wrong, it sounds wonderful. I just don't want you to get in trouble because of it," I replied slightly worried.

"That's all already taken care of. Everyone is very understanding for our situation. There are no problems, so don't worry about it, please," Adam told me and then pulled me to him, to stifle any further protest I might have had with a passionate kiss.

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