22 Introducing the new one

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Adam POV

"I still can't believe how incredibly fast it all went. And again, I am so proud of you. Of both of you. She is so beautiful. I can't stop looking at her," I said to Y/N as I gently cradled our daughter in my arms. Y/N had just woken up from a nap and looked over at us exhausted.

"Yes, I know. I mean the other two didn't take long either, but wow... About an hour is definitely a record," she replied quietly.

"You know, I should probably call our family and let them know that the baby is here," I said as I took my eyes off the baby and looked at my beautiful wife.

"Actually... I would love to enjoy this time with just the two of you. We can still call everyone in the morning. And it gives us a chance to surprise Aiden and Alice. I really don't want to sound selfish, but this is a very special moment for me. I don't want to share her just yet, except with you of course," she told me. I thought about it for a moment and realized how right she was.

After everything that happened last year, these first hours with our peanut were especially important. I nodded my head in agreement before getting up and carefully sat down in bed with Y/N and handed her the sleeping bundle of joy.

"I already have an idea in my mind how we can surprise the children. I hope your mother doesn't have a heart attack when we show up tomorrow with the baby in our arms," I said with a smile.

"She'll be a little pissed, but I don't care. This is all about us. And I want to thank you Adam," she replied and put her head on my shoulder.

"For what?" I asked.

"Just... just for everything. I love you and am grateful that you came back into my life" Y/N said in an emotional voice.

"I love you, too. So much. But if anyone is grateful, it is me. For you giving me a chance to be a part of your life again." I turned my head so I could press my lips against hers.

Just as our lips met, the baby made a loud noise. When Y/N started laughing, I knew immediately that we both thought the same thing.

"Just like Aiden." Y/N whispered to our daughter.

The next morning we could leave the hospital again. Both Y/N and the little one were healthy and happy. Now we were on our way to Y/N parents to surprise them and the children with the newest addition to our family.

I parked the car and looked around. There was nobody to be seen. That was good. Hopefully it worked out the way we wanted it to. After we arrived at the door, Y/N gently took the baby out of her carrier and hid near the door.

I rang the doorbell and after a few moments my father-in-law opened the door.

"Hey, Adam. Good morning. How are you? Where is Y/N?" he asked me.

"Good morning. I'm doing great. Where are the children? I have a surprise for you all." I replied avoiding the question.

"Aiden, Ally, your daddy's here!" he called and a short moment later the two of them walked into the room, closely followed by their grandmother.

"Daddy!" Alice yelled and jumped into my arms as I knelt down. Aiden also jumped up and so we landed together on the floor.

"Sorry Daddy," Aiden said to me with a smile after we stood up again.

"It's okay buddy. I have a surprise for you. You ready?" I wanted to know.

"Yes!" all present replied. The children excited and the adults skeptical.

So I went to the door and brought Y/N in. It took a moment for the others to understand what was going on. But as their eyes wandered to the little girl in Y/N's arms, they all gasped for breath.

"Oh my Lord. The baby! How, I mean when?" Y/N's mother said.

"Everyone, we'd like to introduce you to someone. This is Alina Claire Cole," said Y/N with a gaze at the baby in her arms.

"And she was born yesterday at noon. She was in a hurry. An hour or so after the water broke, she was already there," I told the family and put my arm around my wife's waist.

"Would you both like to meet your sister?" Y/N asked the children. Both stood there completely speechless. A rarity, especially for Alice.

"Come here my loves." she told the children after she sat down on the couch. Carefully, Aiden and Alice climbed onto the couch with their mother. Their eyes never left Alina for a moment.

"My goodness..." whispered Alice.

"What do you think Aiden?" Y/N asked our son.

"She is so small. Were we so small too?" he asked.

"Yes you were and you both looked almost exactly like her," she explained gently.

"Well, except for one small difference," she continued and carefully pulled the beanie from Alina's head.

"Oh my goodness!" Alice squealed loudly this time and promptly the little one began to cry.

"Shh... it is okay. Your sister is only happy about your curls," Y/N said calmly to the baby and rocked her gently.

After everyone had held and admired our little miracle in their arms, it was time to bring my family home. Aiden was sitting next to me in the passenger seat, but he turned back from time to time. In the back of the car was Y/N with our daughters. Alina in her baby carrier in the middle while Alice held her tiny hand and looked at her with fascination.

Just like for Y/N and me it was love at first sight for her siblings.

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