17 Tension and relief

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Adam POV

When I finally arrived at the hospital, my thoughts still revolved around the same question. How is Y/N and our baby? As I walked down the corridors of the hospital, my heart was beating fast.

Finally I found my way to the waiting area, which was named to me and saw BF/N. She was sitting there with her face in her hands. When she heard me come in, she immediately got up and came over to me.

"How is she? Do you know anything new?" I wanted to know.

"All I know is that they called her doctor and I heard the nurse say that Y/N is apparently awake again. That's all," she told me as a nurse came into the waiting area.

"Mr. Cole?" she asked.

"Yes, that's me. How is my wife?" I replied anxiously.

"The doctor will come and speak to you in a few minutes. Unfortunately I am not authorized to tell you anything. I am sorry," she said and disappeared again.

I swallowed heavily and lowered myself into the nearest chair. Suddenly I realized that I had to inform Y/N's parents.

"I have to call my in-laws and tell them what happened," I said and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"I've already taken care of that, Adam and Y/N's mom said they'll be on their way immediately," BF/N replied.

"Thank you," I said and was glad I didn't have to do it. I could concentrate fully on Y/N. A few minutes later the doctor finally came. I could not interpret his facial expression, though.

"Ah, Mr Cole. It's good to see you and I can reassure you both Y/N and the baby are fine," the doctor said. Immediately a huge weight fell off my shoulders and I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Thank God. But... what happened?" I wanted to know. He indicated to me to follow him out of the room. Probably so that not everyone in the waiting area could hear the conversation.

"The baby was lying in a very awkward position and apparently kicked Y/N permanently into the kidney. And even though it did not cause any significant pain, it still stressed Y/N's body very much. Because of this stress, her blood pressure rose very high, which then caused her to faint. 

We have now placed Y/N in a bed with her upper body lower than her lower body. This should make the baby change its position. And luckily, it worked. The baby has turned and Y/N kidney is relieved again. She has to stay in this position for a few more hours to be sure. But tomorrow morning she can go home again," the doctor told us in detail. The relief that they were both doing well rushed through my body and I could not hold back the tears.

"Thank you, doctor. Can I see her?" I asked.

"Of course. Please follow me," he replied.

When we arrived at Y/N's room the doctor opened the door and let me go inside. Y/N had closed her eyes, but opened them when she heard the door.

"Hey..." she said tiredly and smiled softly at me. I went to her and sat down on the chair that was already standing by her bed. Then I leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss and then took her hand in mine.

"Hey...How are you and the little peanut? You scared me almost to death," I said.

"I'm so sorry, Adam. I was so scared myself. I mean...I wasn't even in pain or anything. It was just a little uncomfortable. And I'm always glad when the baby moves," she replied in a low voice.

"I know. I am so relieved that you two are doing well. It's just...a lot of bad memories came back," I said, caressing her hand as I lowered my eyes.

"You can say that again! I am also very relieved that it is nothing worse. And I promise you that we are both doing well," my wife replied and put her other hand on our intertwined hands.

A few moments later, the door opened and a nurse stuck her head in the room.

"Mrs Cole, Mr Cole. Your family has arrived." she told us.

"I'll go and tell them what happened. Get some rest. I'll be right back," I said and stood up.

"Adam wait a moment. I think you should bring the children here. It's time to tell them about the baby," Y/N said to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded.

I went back to the waiting area and as soon as I got there both children rushed towards me and embraced my legs. I rubbed their backs and smiled at them.

"Hello, my little ones. So Y/N is doing well. Both are well. I will explain everything in more detail later, but right now Y/N wants to see the children. She wants to tell them you know what," I said to the two women. Both breathed a sigh of relief and hugged each other. I took Alice on my arm and Aiden on my hand.

"Okay, we'll wait here. Take your time," replied my mother-in-law.

Together with our children I made my way back to Y/N room. As soon as I had opened the door, Aiden rushed towards his Mama.

"Careful buddy. Mama has to rest," I warned my son.

I carefully put Alice on the edge of the bed and pulled Aiden close to the bed so they could both see their mother clearly.

"What happened, Mama?" Aiden asked.

"Everything's all right, pumpkin. There's nothing to worry about, okay? Mama was just a little dizzy. But there's something Daddy and Mama haven't told you yet. Are you ready?" she said.

"Yes." they answered. Alice joyfully and Aiden a little bit reserved. 

"Mama and Daddy are having another baby," Y/N said to them. Immediately both started cheering and squeaking like crazy. But then Aiden suddenly became very serious.

"Is everything okay with the baby this time? And does that mean I have to share my birthday with someone else?" he wanted to know.

"The baby is fine. And we're doing everything we can to keep it that way, sweetheart. And this baby won't be born until two months after your birthday. So don't worry," she assured our son. Alice also looked thoughtful. She had her index finger in her mouth, staring at Y/N's stomach.

"What's wrong, Ally?" I asked our angel.

"Is baby boy or girl?" she asked her Mama.

"Well, I'm glad you asked that, angel. Because the doctor just told me earlier," Y/N replied.

"What?" I asked astonished.

"Do you want to know?" Y/N asked smiling and got a triple yes as an answer.

"It is a girl," she said and smiled at us.

Alice began to clap and cheer again, but there was a slight grunting heard from Aiden. This made me and Y/N laugh. We both knew that Aiden would have preferred a brother. But once the baby is born, he will love his new sister as much as Alice.

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