12 Explanations

144 9 12

Adam POV

On this one day when you wish nothing more than to finally come home, it is of course the day when everything goes wrong and it takes forever until you reach your destination.

For me this day was today. I wanted nothing more than to finally make it home and find out what was behind Y/N's strange behavior. The whole time I was racking my brain for what could have happened. But as hard as I tried, I still had no idea what was going on.

I tried to call my wife several more times, but she still wouldn't answer the phone. And because of the bad weather the flight was delayed for several hours.

When I finally arrived at our home, it was already getting dark again. I parked the car, but did not even bother to get my luggage out of the trunk. I was too tense to wait any longer for an answer. I hurried to the door and unlocked it. Once inside the house, I immediately looked around for my family. The children were probably already in bed and sleeping peacefully.

It did not take long until I found Y/N. She stood by the window in the living room and stared out of it. It looked like she was watching the rain. Although she definitely heard me come in, she did not turn around.

"Y/N?" I approached her, but still did not get a reaction.

"Y/N would you please finally talk to me! Something has obviously happened. Please tell me what it is. Otherwise I can't help you, baby!" I said.

Finally Y/N turned around to me. But I hadn't expected this sight. My wife's face was covered in tears and was pale. I really hoped I would never have to see her like that again. It broke my heart, every single time.

I wanted to go to her and take her in my arms, but she stopped me after I had taken the first step in her direction.

"Stay where you are Adam!" said Y/N and held up a hand.

"What the hell is going on, Y/N?" I wanted to know.

"Adam, I'm pregnant..." she said quietly. I would have loved to jump up to the ceiling with happiness, but her behavior clearly indicated that she did not feel the same happiness as me.

"Baby that's amazing! That is great news. Why aren't you happy?" I asked and was still trying to find out what happened.

"This was not supposed to happen! We were using protection. I...I can't take that again. What if I...if I lose this baby too? I'm not ready for that. It's only been four months since we lost the twins. How could this happen, Adam?" she said in a shaky voice.

Again I wanted to go to her, but she just took a few steps back.

"Please don't touch me! If you hug me now, I will collapse again in tears," she told me, but I chose to ignore her and just took her in my arms anyway. Immediately Y/N started sobbing uncontrollably. She was shaking like crazy and sank to the floor. I did not let go of her for a second. Instead, I let myself slide to the floor as well and pulled my wife into my lap.

"Hey...everything is fine. Calm down. I'm here" I repeated over and over again while stroking her back. She felt so cold and the shivering didn't stop.

"I'm scared, Adam. I... I'm so scared. I can't go through this again. I don't want to lose another child. I am weak. This is not gonna end well. I know it..." whispered Y/N.

"Listen, baby. I know you're scared. But losing the twins had nothing to do with you. It just happened. That doesn't mean it will happen again. I know it's too soon and that we didn't plan for this, but we didn't plan for Aiden and Alice either. You have to stay positive," I replied.

"I wish I could promise you that it won't happen again. But you know as well as I do that I can't. Still, I can promise you that we'll work out whatever happens. I love you and I am so happy. It's okay to be scared, Y/N. I am scared too. But I think this baby is a gift. " I continued.

As I gently rocked her back and forth, Y/N slowly calmed down. I got up and lifted her into my arms to carry her into the bedroom. Once there, I carefully laid my wife in the bed and then lay down next to her. I pulled her close to me and continued to gently stroke her back.

We stayed like this for quite a while. Eventually Y/N fell asleep in my arms. She was so exhausted.

As I watched her sleep, I silently sent prayers to the heavens. I didn't want to lose another baby either, but I was very grateful that we had another chance. I fully understood why Y/N was so afraid, but I hoped she would be happy about this baby soon.

(A/N Hello my loves :) sooooo what do you guys think? Boy or girl? And what about names? Do we stick with the 'A's'? Let me know.)

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