16 Shock

138 9 7

Adam POV

Today was once again Wednesday. The children were already sitting at the dining table and ate their breakfast. Both chatted happily together.

"Good morning you two. Well, how are you today? Everything alright?" I asked my children as I walked over to them and gave them a kiss on their hair.

"Yes, Daddy," they replied in unison.

I went on to the kitchen, where Y/N was standing at the kitchen island writing a shopping list while her other hand rubbed over the side of her baby bump. Her expression looked very tense.

"Are you all right?" I asked worried.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just writing the list of things we need for Saturday. It's just hard to concentrate because the little one is kicking me in the kidney all the time," she told me.

For next Saturday we had planned a little get-together with friends and family, where we wanted to tell everyone who didn't know about the baby.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" I asked as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

"Not really. I'm taking the kids to the pediatrician right now. They both have an appointment for a checkup today. My mother will meet us there and then take them both with her. She wants to take them to an indoor playground or something like that. And this afternoon BF/N is coming by. Together with her I'm going shopping to get everything we need for the weekend," she replied.

"Oh okay. But please remember what the doctor said. You shouldn't overdo it. If it gets too much for you, then come home and I'll do the errands tomorrow. I don't want you to strain yourself," I said to Y/N.

"I promise you I'll take care of myself, honey. I just hope that the little peanut will soon stop training superkicks on my kidney. Somebody seems to take after Daddy. Like I don't already have three of you," she said jokingly.

"It's not my fault my genes are so strong, baby. I should start getting ready. You'll call me if there's anything you need, you hear me?" I replied as I took her in my arms and pulled her to me to say goodbye.

"Of course. Have fun today and try not to hurt yourself, okay?" Y/N replied.

"I'll do what I can," I said and then kissed her goodbye.

"Aiden, Alice, Daddy's leaving for work. Please be good for Mama and Grandma. I love you. I'll see you in the morning," I said to my children and hugged them before going out the door.

Meanwhile it was already late afternoon and the preparations for the show were already in full swing. Everybody was very busy as usual to get everything ready for the show. Filming of promos, interviews, photo shootings, fittings and so on.

As suddenly my phone rang, I answered without even looking who was calling me. I thought it was probably Y/N. She usually called before the show to ask how it went and tell me about her day. And that way I could talk to the kids for a short time.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Adam? It's BF/N. Listen and please try to stay calm. Y/N is in the hospital..." BF/N began.

"What? What happened?" I said frantically and my heart started racing.

"She complained all day about the baby kicking her in the kidney all the time and when we got back to your house she suddenly turned totally pale and fainted. I immediately called the ambulance and when they arrived they found that her blood pressure was much too high. They took her to the hospital immediately," she told me.

"Oh, God... How is she? And what about the baby?" I asked and suddenly had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Please don't let that be true. Please let them both be fine. Please don't let us lose another baby and let Y/N be fine.

"I... I don't know, Adam. They don't tell me anything because I'm not family. You have to come here as soon as possible," BF/N replied in a shaky voice.

I already ran towards the exit without thinking for a second. I was about to open the door when someone stopped me.

"Hey Cole, where are you going? You've got a lot to do before the show and your match," Regal said.

"I have to go. There is an emergency in the family" was all I said and I wanted to turn around again to continue my way. But again he stopped me, this time with his hand on my shoulder. Behind him I saw Kyle, Bobby and Roddy approaching us.

"You can't just leave when it suits you. You have a job to do here. You have obligations to fulfill," he replied. Anger rose in me and I wanted to punch him in the face.

"Are you fucking kidding me? My wife is in the hospital! My PREGNANT wife! And you expect me to ignore that? You know what...if this damn show is more important to you than the families of your employees, then we're done! I am done with this company if you don't let me go voluntarily. I can wrestle everywhere. In any promotion I would like. Everyone would love to hire me. Because, let's be honest...WWE needs Adam Cole more than Adam Cole needs WWE," I yelled in his face. I didn't notice the shocked faces of the others present.

"Adam! Go! And call if you have any news. We'll see you as soon as Y/N is better." I heard Hunter say that he approached us.

"Thanks, Hunter," I said with a sigh.

I pushed open the door to the parking lot and hurried to my car, closely followed by my boys.

"Adam, what happened? You didn't tell us that Y/N is pregnant again..." Bobby said.

"I don't know anything specific yet. Apparently her blood pressure was too high. We were going to tell you this weekend," I replied as I sat in the car and looked into their shocked faces.

"Check in with us as soon as you can, okay? Or if you need anything. Drive safe," Kyle replied and closed the car door for me.

On the way to the hospital hundreds of different scenarios went through my mind. One worse than the other. 

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