15 Secrecy

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Adam POV

After a long day of training and performing the show I was finally on my way home. In the meantime it was almost midnight. I was totally exhausted and couldn't wait to crawl into my warm soft bed and cuddle with my wife.

This pregnancy seemed to cost Y/N even more energy than the previous ones. The worry that something might happen again kept her constantly on edge. Besides, there were also Aiden and Alice to take care of. And then of course the household, work and doctor's appointments kept us both pretty busy.

Although Y/N was already 19 weeks pregnant, we still hardly told anyone. The only ones who knew were our parents, because it was impossible to keep it a secret from them. And BF/N knew too, although we did not tell her. A single glance at Y/N was enough and she knew. I swear this woman has some kind of superpower as far as that goes.

Apart from that, nobody knew and it was extremely difficult for me that I could not tell anybody about it. Y/N also kept it secret from the children. She wanted to spare them another disappointment. It happened once or twice that I almost slipped up. Still, I think the guys were getting suspicious. They kept asking me what was going on. It was so damn hard to dodge them all the time.

However, I don't think it will be possible to keep this pregnancy for much longer to ourselves. Y/N's baby bump grew and grew. Even with wide clothes it could hardly be hidden. It was time to convince her to tell our other friends and family members. After all, we had already made it through almost half of the pregnancy. I was glad that Y/N was a little more excited about our little peanut after each examination by the doctor.

Every movement of the baby made it easier for her, because it was a good sign that everything was okay. Even though I had experienced it before, it was still an amazing feeling for me to feel the baby's kicks.

When I finally parked the car in our driveway I was surprised that the lights were still on in the living room. Normally my whole family was in bed by the time I got home.

I made my way to the front door and unlocked it quietly. After I put my bag aside and took off my shoes and jacket, I went into the living room.

Y/N was lying on the couch, but her head and back were supported by several pillows. It looked pretty uncomfortable to me. I went over to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead and she opened her eyes and looked at me tiredly.

"Hey honey, you're home...what time is it?" she asked me.

"It's midnight, baby. Why aren't you in bed?" I wanted to know when I sat down next to her.

"My back hurts and I still feel nauseous. I've tried ginger tea, but it doesn't seem to help right now. Besides, I can't find the damn body pillow. This is the only position where both things are somewhat tolerable at the moment," Y/N replied quietly, closing her eyes.

"Did you try the ginger drops my mom made you? And the body pillow is in a vacuum bag in the garage," I said, stroking her legs.

"We're out of ginger drops," she replied.

"Are you sure? I saw a package in the kitchen in the pantry this morning. Why don't you go get some while I get your pillow from the garage. Then we'll go to bed. It's late and you need your sleep," I said to her.

"Okay." was all she said before she reached out her hand so I could help her up.

After I got the pillow from the garage and unpacked it, I quickly went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I returned to the bedroom, Y/N was already lying in bed cuddled up against her pillow.

"How do you feel?" I asked as I lay down with her.

"It's getting better. Now give me your hand and rub my belly so that the little peanut calms down and leaves my bladder alone," she said with a small smile.

And that's exactly what I did. The baby was quite active and was rolling back and forth all the time. But after a few minutes it seemed to calm down. Y/N breathed a sigh of relief.

"There. Finally. Thank you, Adam," she said.

"You're welcome. Good night, you two. I love you," I whispered and stretched to give my wife a good night kiss.

"We love you, too. Well, unless you start snoring again." laughed Y/N.

"Hey! I don't snore," I said in defense.

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