21 Miracle

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Adam POV

"Baby, we have to go home first and get the hospital bag and the baby carrier," said Y/N while holding on to the door handle.

"You are right. It is good that this is not a detour. You concentrate on breathing. It won't take long," I replied and reached for her hand. 

"My goodness... here comes a contraction..." she said after a few minutes and squeezed my hand as hard as she could. Y/N took a deliberate deep breath in and out. A few moments later she relaxed again.

"Oh wow, it was already very strong for the first contraction. We should probably hurry." she said.

"Yes. I'll run in and get our things. You sit and relax. It won't take long. Maybe you should call the hospital to check in," I replied as we arrived in front of our house.

"Good idea. Please hurry Adam," she replied and grabbed her phone. I put my hand on her knee and immediately she looked up at me.

"I'll be right back. And Y/N? I am insanely proud of you. I love you and I'm really sorry that you're in pain" I said to my wife before I kissed her on the forehead and then jumped out of the car to get the bag.

Within minutes I was back in the car and we continued our way to the hospital. But already after five minutes the next contraction was coming.

"God this is a big one," she gasped in pain. 

"We are almost there." I promised her in a tense voice. Only two contractions and they came already within 10 minutes. It looked like our little one was in a hell of a hurry to be born.

I drove up to the hospital where a nurse in a wheelchair was waiting for us. I quickly jumped out of the car, grabbed the bag from the back seat and then helped Y/N to get out. Then I gave the valet of the hospital the car keys and followed the nurse and Y/N inside. It was a good thing that this hospital had a valet because I didn't want to leave Y/N alone. And to be honest, I might not even remember where I parked the car later on.

As soon as we arrived at the registration desk, she was already having another contraction. I quickly signed the prepared papers and we went to the delivery room. It all happened so quickly. Y/N changed and was then examined and connected to the various machines.

"Okay Mrs. Cole, let's see how far along you are. When did your water break?" said the doctor. I took a quick look at the clock.

"About 45 minutes ago," I replied to his question.

"All right. Your cervix is already at 10 centimeters. This baby seems to be in a big damn hurry. When the next contraction comes, you can already start pushing," the doctor said to Y/N.

"Adam come here. Hold my hand. It looks like the little one is as impatient to meet us as we are," she said and I did what she told me.

After less than 20 minutes Y/N had done it and the first cries of our baby echoed through the otherwise quiet room. There she was. Our miracle. Our rainbow baby.

The doctor carefully placed the baby on Y/N's chest and congratulated us.

"Hello my little miracle. You were in a hurry, huh? I love you so much my love. I can hardly wait for you to meet your siblings. They'll be so excited." Y/N whispered to the baby and gently stroked her cheek with a finger.

"Looks like you got another clone," my wife said to me after the little one looked at us with those familiar big blue eyes.

"Yeah, it looks like it. Look at this hair. All those curls. Alice will be thrilled," I replied and stroked the head of our newborn daughter as well.

A few minutes later the nurse came and took the baby out of Y/N's arms to wash and weigh her. I raised Y/N's hand to my lips and kissed her gently while tears of joy and gratitude ran down my face. I looked into her eyes and then I saw it. The love and the tears. There was so much love in Y/N's teary eyes that it took my breath away.

"I love you. I love you so much. You did it. Everything is good. She is fine. Thank you my love."  I whispered and kissed the top of her head, because I knew that her thoughts were also with the twins.

After a short period of time the nurse came back with the baby and put the little one back in Y/N's arms. We just sat there and looked at our newest family member in awe.

The day had certainly not gone the way we had imagined, but it was one of the best days of our lives. When I got up this morning I never thought that our baby would be born before noon.

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