Ramblings of a Drunkard

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It's a common misconception that Light and Darkness are two separate entities. Well, they're wrong, one can say that they are very much two sides of the same coin as they share the same concept but their interpretation or rather perspective are just pure opposites.

Light is built upon Enlightenment, Hope, Life, and Knowledge. Whereas Darkness is based upon the ideas of Romanticism, Despair, Death, and Passion.

One can say that both sides have their good sides and bad sides, sometimes Light can bring Order through Slavery while Darkness brings Freedom and through Chaos. But that has never been the case, since the fall of St. Axton Duskwarden Darkness has been best associated with Demons causing many who isn't a Myrken to depict Axton as a Fallen Hero meanwhile many have depicted St. Strea Dawnguard is best associated with Angels and therefore depicts her as a Martyr instead.

As a result, many believe that one can cut off Darkness entirely believing that they are nothing but the root of all evil of this forsaken world forgetting that without Darkness any living being with consciousness would simply become an emotionless automaton with following nothing but cold logic. Meanwhile, those who follow the path of Darkness share the same idea, they believe that Light should be removed as well unaware that without Light, any living being with consciousness would most certainly end up becoming a beast that follows their emotions.

To put it into a more straightforward idea, Light is what lets us think rationally while Darkness makes us feel emotions, they are meant to coexist but apparently, the follows of the two sides think otherwise and as a result, they're actively trying to get rid of the other. Pretty stupid right?

Huh? Oh, the bill? Ah right sorry I ended up rambling there for a bit, I'll pay for all the drinks gotta say those Noxamirian Whiskey sure taste great.

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