Johnny Depp = Johnny
It's only a bad day, not a bad life.
------------------Immaginala tu = Amanda Johns
I thought love was just illusion.
I thought it was an excuse used to feel less alone.
But I met you and hell, I had to step back.
----------------------------Chandra Wilson = Betty Anderson
You know as well as I do it's not about what you look like, or your job, or how successful you are. It's about having people in your life that you love and who love you...
That's all that matters.
---------------------Patrik Dempsey = Signor kal
There are moments...moments that in a split second your life changes forever, and before you know're somewhere else
I'll stay among the stars... forever
Romance#romanzo Amanda Johns, ormai la sua casa è l'ospedale, soffre di tubercolosi e a quanto pare sembra aver accettato il suo destino, nettamente segnato, doloroso... Odia essere "malata" ma sa bene ciò che gli spetta, tuttavia, quando per puro caso, i...