Part 1

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HEY GUYS!! Looks like quarantine is really boring and here I am again writing a story about... quarantine!!
Yup, turning the situation into inspiration
This is only my second story and I hope you will appreciate this one as much as you loved my first one!! Your love and support is my motivation!
I love you so much!❤️❤️

She was screwed, Deepika was definitely screwed. What had come over her?? What kind of person would leave their parents' house like that? Well, her apparently.
They had fought, again, and badly. Deepika couldn't handle their closed ideas anymore. It was really unlike her to lose all control and to just leave. She was a poised person, she made plannings, she was going with a routine and she certainly didn't like mishaps.

And now, all of a sudden she was homeless. Sure she had a salary and a job, but just no place to stay. She didn't really know many people in Mumbai, besides her parents' friends, who she wouldn't dare to stay with.
No, this time she would find by herself.
She began talking about it a little bit, asking to some friends at her office, who asked some other people and by the end of the day, it was her own boss that knocked on the door of her office.

When she saw him enter, all tall and scary, the brunette felt fear.
"Miss Padukone?" Mr Kapoor asked politely.
"Huh... yes sir?" Deepika replied, straightening herself on her seat, completely tense.
"I've been hearing through hallways that.. you are looking for a place to live?" Mr Kapoor said, expecting her to explain.
Deepika freaked out, he was going to fire her wasn't he? Because she had no place to stay no more, she would end up in the streets and she would have to beg for money to find a bus that would drive her back to her parents place and-
Wow, she was overthinking. Again.

"Yes- b-bu I will find some in a short amount of time- please don't fire me yet I really don't-"
Rishi frowned and chuckled.
"I'm not going to fire you miss, I was coming to tell you I know the perfect place."
Deepika felt instantly less tense and listened to Rishi's proposition.

"My son Ranbir, he has this flat near here, and he lives alone. It's way too big for him only and he could definitely use a roommate. If you are interested.." He said with some excited eyes.
Deepika found it adorable from him to worry about such a little employee like her.
But living with Ranbir was FAR from what she wanted. She knew the man. Well no, not really. She knew the rumors. Everybody talked in hallways and from what she'd heard he was totally the opposite of the people Deepika liked to be around.
He was daddy's baby boy, he had all he wanted in the blink of an eye. And women, he would take them home from any club and do them before kicking them out in the morning.

Deepika shook her head. Those were RUMOURS. Besides she really needed a place to live. It was okay, she would find another place but she needed a place to stay to take the time she needed to find her own place.
"I would be really really pleased. Thank you so much for this. When can I move in?"

On the same evening, she was in a cab, her two suitcases in the trunk and her boss next to her. They were on their way to Ranbir's flat.
Deepika hoped the rumours were wrong and that he wouldn't be too much of an ass. Because she was tired. So damn tired of having to deal with stuff like this.

As they arrived to the right floor, taking an elevator, Deepika couldn't believe her eyes. The building looked like some 4* hotel and she really felt like a misfit.
Mr Kapoor told her to wait a second in the hallway as he entered the flat. The young woman was confused, but finally understood why as she heard some yelling sound coming from inside. She couldn't hear quite properly what was being said but she was pretty sure it had something to do with the fact that she doubted Mr Kapoor had even told his son that she was going to be living here.

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