Chapter 7

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I was on four legs. My movements were involuntary. The memory of that night was fuzzy. I recalled running. Having a hunger. A hunger I needed to fulfill. I remember the woods. I remember other howls close to me. And I remember the scent, and taste, of blood.

I woke up the next morning. Lost, confused. The sun was rising. My memory was dazed. I felt sick. I got up slowly. My body was weak. I was in human form again. I pushed myself off the dirty ground. My eyes began to focus. I was in the woods, naked and cold. I was alone. Dirt and twigs filled my hair. My forearm was marked with a dirty gash.

I saw two men approach me in the distance. I stumbled into the opposite direction away from them. I was scared. What had I done? I could only remember images of the night. It felt like living on shutter speed while drunk. It didn't feel real.

"Erin! Wait! It's alright!" The voice was Romulus. Dakota was with him. They were fully clothed and in human form.

"Romulus?" I said. I stopped. They came over to me. I did my best to cover myself.

Romulus offered a large blanket to cover myself with. He dropped it on me. I wrapped myself in it.

"Don't worry. I've done this a hundred times. Most of the time it's more embarrassing." He said in which sounded like an attempt to make me feel better.

"I don't know if I can walk." I said weakly.

"That's normal. The first transformation takes so much energy it practically wipes you out." He explained, completely unphased.

"Let's get him back." Said Dakota.

"I'm going to carry you back." Explained Romulus.

My face began to get red. My stomach dropped as he scooped me into his masculine arms. He picked me up effortlessly and began to walk back to the cabin home.

I was nervous to go inside and have all the other men see me naked. He pushed open the door, but no one was up yet. The dining hall was empty, as was the rest of the downstairs.

"Adolpha will want to speak with him soon." Said Dakota, before he left.

Romulus brought me back to the healing room that I had first woken up in. Connected to it was a bathroom, with a shower, and tub. He set me down on the bed in the healing room. I clung onto the blanket, keeping myself covered.

"Can I see your arm?" He said. I stuck my arm out for him. The blood appeared dry. He cleaned it and wrapped it for me.

"The wound is already beginning to heal, that's good. Do you remember anything from last night?"

"No. I just remember it in pictures. Blurry snapshots, almost." I said. I felt like I had sounded crazy.

"I understand. The bath or shower is just a few steps away. If you can't stand for very long I recommend the bath. Just try not to get the bandage too wet." He said, opening a drawer by the door.

"I have some clothes for you, I think these will fit your new physique better. I'll check on you in an hour, alright?"

I nodded and thanked him. He was about to go out the door.

"Romulus, what happened?" I asked, stopping him from leaving.

"You changed, Erin. You're a werewolf." He said. He then closed the door behind him.

I pushed myself off the bed and made my way towards the bath. I filled it with hot, bubbly water. There was a window. Outside I could see the forest, the sky pink and orange. It felt like no time had passed since the sunset. It was picturesque.

My arm hung out of the bathtub in an attempt to keep it dry. My body felt like it was melting in the hot water. My muscles felt like gelatin. The water quickly got dirty with dirt and blood. I sat in the tub for far too long. I began to doze asleep in the steamy water.

"Erin!" I heard a voice calling me. I woke up in a jump.

"Sorry. It's been an hour. Wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Sorry, I'll be out soon." I said. He closed the door.

I pushed myself out of the tub and reached for a towel. I dried off and examined myself in the mirror. I wasn't skinny anymore. I somehow developed muscles overnight. My eyebrows were thicker and darker, as was my hair. My eyes were brighter.

I didn't remember changing. It was all a blur. I didn't believe I changed. It wasn't possible. How could my body change so much?

I got dressed in the clothes Romulus left me. The shirt was a soft green T shirt. The pants were grey, and he left me black socks.

"How do you feel?" Romulus asked as I came out.

"Tired." I said.

"You can sleep after. Come on. The guardians want to talk to you."

I pushed my jelly legs upstairs and made it to the guardian room. They were sitting across the table. Adolpha told me to take a seat. She could see my exhaustion.

"You will sleep soon. We have a bed for you here. You'll share a room-."

"I'm not staying here. I didn't change." I lied to myself and them.

"You did. I know everything is confusing now, but you aren't the first new werewolf and you won't be the last. We've been doing this for a long time-."

"I don't care! I'm going home." I pushed myself up out of the chair and went towards the stairs.

Bayne jumped on the table and sped to me. He pushed me back, slamming my weak body onto the ground.

"You're not going anywhere." Said Bayne. He stared down at me. His eyes were firey.

"You can't keep me here! I won't be your prisoner!" I yelled and squirmed.

Bayne grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me towards him.

"You think any of us want to be here? We hate this just as much as you do! We all lost our families and people we love. If you really care about anyone but yourself you will deal with it like the rest of us!"
Bayne screamed in my face.

"BAYNE. STAND." A powerful voice echoed. Bayne dropped me to the floor and stood up. I looked over at the table. Adolpha and Dakota rose to their feet.

"Ulrich. You're back." Said Adolpha.

I pushed myself up to see the man. He was visibly older than us, but in great shape. His hair was dark, his lips were thin. Four o'clock shadow covered his chin. I had recognized him. I gasped. It couldn't be. I had to have been imagining it.


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