5| Serene

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"Death was a friend, and sleep was Death's brother"
- John Steinbeck

"Death was a friend, and sleep was Death's brother" - John Steinbeck

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I do not know what is wrong with me... I cannot sleep.
I cannot eat. Macaria filled my head in every waking moment, in every dream that graced my sleep. But now... now I cannot do anything
I was fixated on getting her painting right, on capturing her earthly essence... the soft creamy skin that brushed against her white dresses.

Her snow hair that blew gracefully in the wind and taunted me at night, I wanted to touch it. To touch her
I wanted to feel how soft she actually was, to see how her skin would react to my deathly touch
Would she shudder... or shiver in pleasure?

"What happened in here?" Hypnos asked, standing in the doorway
"Leave me be brother" I requested solemnly, focusing on the bright blue eyes I was colouring against my paper, I simply could not get the shade right.

"I just came to ask how yesterday went... I see now it was... intense?" He asked
I sighed, dropping my pencil
"I do not know what to do Hypnos, I thought I was plagued before, I did not think my head could be so consumed by one person. But I- I cannot get her out of my head... I cannot sleep. She plagues my head with those eyes. Those god forsaken eyes" I mumbled, my head in my hands.

"And now I have to see her again, I have to leave for my duties and she will be there, she will be there and she will do what she always does..." I explained
"Which is..." Hypnos asked hesitantly
"Just... be. She is an perfect... she is ruining my head Hypnos" I sighed.

"You need to compose yourself Than, you will have to see her tonight as well for the painting" he explained, leaning against a desk
I groaned
"I know... why are you even here? I thought you were running off to get killed for Pasithea" I inquired.

He shrugged, a small smile on his face
"All in good time... besides... seems this situation is more entertaining" he chuckled
"I am overjoyed you find my distress humorous" I said calmly
"No no... it is amusing how oblivious you are to her affections" he explained.

"She does not have affections for me, she is my partner in death. Nothing more" I said quietly at the end, looking down at the cold floor
I was destined to be alone... I knew that
The fates would never grant me love... nor a family.

But that did not stop the melancholy feeling in my chest, the twist of pain deep down when she spoke to another man
Every flutter and every spark when she did something
When she smiled, when she innocently touched me... when she walked and talked and breathed.

"Have you really never considered expressing your feelings? She just might feel the same way" Hypnos pressed on
"No. Never" I said immediately, standing up to get ready to leave
"Why?" He asked exasperated.

A love sweet like deathWhere stories live. Discover now