The Other Weasley Twins: Chapter 4

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The Other Weasley Twins
Chapter 4


As we hop off the train, we see Hagrid calling the first years. We say bye to Mione and she heads off on her own. I look for Ron and Harry but they never get off.

Hagrid leads us to the castle with all the other first years. Then Professor McGonagall explains about the houses and tells us that the sorting ceremony will start shortly.

Soon McGonagall comes back and leads us through the doors of the great hall. She reads several names before she reaches us.

"Sadie Bones!"


"Lovegood, Luna!" I see Luna skip up to the hat, not nervous at all.


Powell, Ella and Ember both get into Gryffindor. Twins just like us. I automatically already like them. Partially because they are twins like me and they have similar/matching names. 

"Parkinson, Paula!" A girl sitting at the Slytherin table whoops at this. A girl makes her way up to the front. She looks nervous and scared.

"Slytherin!" A relieved smile appears on her face and she runs over to the Slytherin table and hugs the girl who whopped.

"Weasley, Ginerva!" McGonagall reads. I see Ginny wince at her full name and gulps. She makes her way up to the front. McGonagall sets the hat on her head. She and the hat whisper to each other.

"Gryffindor!" It announces. She goes over to the Gryffindor table which had erupted in celebration. I can see her join Mione and my other brothers.

"Weasley, Gineva!" McGonagall calls. I take deep breaths and go up to the front. McGonagall places the hat on me. My palms are drenched in sweat. Something that makes me more nervous is the fact that Ginny and I might be split into different houses.

"ANOTHER Weasley. Wow. Hmmm. But you and your twin are not as easy as the rest. But I know where to put you....Gryffindor!" I sigh in relief and make my way over to the Gryffindor table where Ginny is waiting. Mione gives me a thumbs up. Ginny scoots down for me. I look around and Harry and Ron are still not here. I look at Ginny and she shrugs.

I am so happy I got in Gryffindor. I'm even happier that Ginny got in as well. I would be so sad if we were separated. After dinner, we are shown to our dormitory and common room.

"The password is Hinkipink," Percy says. He's our Head Boy. I smile as we enter the common room. It's just like imagined it. Suddenly, I feel an arm pulling me away.

"So...," Percy asks, "do you like it?"

"Do I like it? I love it!" Ginny and I say in unison. He laughs. "Your dormitory is up there."

"Thanks Perc," we say. We head up to our dorm. It's a quad (meaning that 4 people stay in it at a time). We're in the same room. We share with Ella and Ember Powell, the other twins I saw at the sorting.

We get settled and talk for a while. I find out that they are both early risers so they will be waiting for us in the Great Hall every morning. I have already thought of nicknames for the too. El and Em. I think that it's cute and it rhymes. Plus, they agree to it!

"Well, I'm heading down to the common room," I say. "I want to meet some other Gryffindors." I hop up from my bed.

"We'll come with you," El and Em say in unison. I laugh. They are so much like me and Ginny.

When we get to the common room, I see Harry and Ron. Ginny's eyes light up when she sees Harry. I run up to Ron and punch him lightly in the arm.

"Ouch." He yelps. I roll my eyes. I could punch so much harder. "What was that for Ev?"

"Where were you?" I ask accusingly. "You missed our sorting!" Harry and Ron turn a little red at this. "Oh come on. Like I wasn't going to notice." Ginny nods in agreement with me. She doesn't speak though. Usually, she's really talkative. I catch her looking at Harry and I know why. 

We give a brief introduction of Ron, Harry and Mione to El and Em.
Ron then pulls me, Ginny, Harry, and Mione aside and he starts to explain.

"You drove Dad's car?" I shout.

"And then he wrecked it, along with his wand," adds Ginny. She spoke finally.

"You're going to be in so much trouble when Mum finds out," I tell him.

"It was my fault too," Harry says sheepishly. I wave my arm at him, dismissively.

"Ronald Weasley, good luck!" I say and we leave them alone. Mione stays with them and talks some more.

I sneak a glance back at Harry and he looks beat up. He is good looking and all. He's a nice kid I'd love as a friend but he's not my type. I'll let Ginny have him. I can tell that she really likes him already.

I head back up to our dorm and flop down on my bed and fall asleep.

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