The Other Weasley Twins: Chapter 14

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The Other Weasley Twins
Chapter 14


I and Ginny have been avoiding each other completely. Personally, I'm hurt that she doesn't want to confide in me anymore. She'd rather trust a book. I'm mad at her frankly. I know she's probably mad at me too because she thinks I gave the book to Harry. I need to figure out more about Tom Riddle so I've been spending most of my nights in the library, seeing if I can find anything. I'm on my own now.

People have started to notice that I and Ginny are drifting apart. I've snapped at plenty of them and I'm pretty sure Ginny has too, so eventually people stopped asking. 

Without raising suspicion, I've been trying to talk to the trio but there hasn't been a great time yet, and I don't want Ginny to know what I'm up to. If she wants to keep secrets from me, fine, I'm gonna keep secrets from her.

There's going to be a quidditch match against Hufflepuff today and I'm excited to finally get my mind off of the things that have been happening recently. 

I'm making my way to the stands when-

"Ah, Miss Weasley, I'm glad we found you, I suggest you come with me," McGonagall stands in your path. Harry and Ron are also with her. I send them a questioning look but they seem to know nothing too. 

"I must warn you, this must be a wee bit of a shock," McGonagall says, entering the hospital wing. 

We enter and Mione is laying there, petrified. It sends shivers down my spine. Her position strikes me as a little weird. She's laying with her hand out. The shock on her face is easily seen. I can see the discomfort and concern on Harry and Ron's faces. 

"Hermione," Ron whispers. 

"She was found near the library. Along with this," McGonagall picks up a small hand mirror. "Does it mean anything to you?" I shake my head slowly, seeing Harry and Ron do the same.

"No," Harry faintly whispers. 

"Miss Weasley, I brought you along because I know you've been visiting the library quite frequently. I was wondering if you saw anything?" Again, I shake my head, lowering it. Harry touches Mione's outstretched hand and I stand there in shock. Ron looks grim. 

Back at the common room, McGonagall addresses everyone. She tells us the new rules and curfew. "I should tell you this unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely that the school will be closed." And with that, she turns and leaves the room. You gulp. Looking around the room, everybody seems to either be in shock or panic. 

"We've got to talk to Hagrid, Ron, " Harry says to Ron. "I can't believe it's him. If he did set the monster loose last time, he'll know how to get inside the chamber of secrets. That's a start."

"But you heard McGonagall," Ron protests. "We're not allowed to leave the tower except for class."

"I think it's time to get my dad's old invisibility cloak out again," Harry replies, mischievously.

"I'm coming with you," you stride up to them. 

"What? Going to where?" Ron tries to play it off. 

"I heard you guys talking, you're going to go see Hagrid."

"Do you listen to everybody's conversations?" Ron asks incredulously.

"Shut it, I'm coming, I'm sure McGonagall would be very interested to know that you have an invisibility cloak. Not to mention, using it to break her rules."

"Fine," Harry says. 

Using the cloak, Ron, Harry, and I go down to see Hagrid. We tell him that Mione's been petrified and everything. We're about to say something else when...

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