The Other Weasley Twins: Chapter 9

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The Other Weasley Twins
Chapter 9


Tonight is Halloween! I'm so excited!

"Ginny!" I yell bouncing on her bed.

"Ugh. What is it?" She asks groggily.

"It's Halloween that's what it is!" I tell her. "So get your butt out of bed!" She doesn't move an inch. "I'll our water in you if you don't get up!" I sing-song.

"Fine! I'm up!" She says sitting up.

"Get dressed," I command her.

"Yes sir!" She says standing up and saluting me. We giggle. We head down to the great hall together. We talk with Mione and Harry and Ron. After that, we split and go to classes. I'm really looking forward to the Halloween feast tonight. Plus, the Gryffindor are throwing a party in the common room.

After classes, I go up to our dorm with Ginny. Ginny and I want to do a little Tom Talk (that's what we call it) before we start our homework. It's kinda fun talking to Tom. After that, I don't remember anything. The next thing I know, it's morning.

I ask Ginny when we head down to the Great Hall and she doesn't remember either. We sit down with Mione and Ron because El and Em aren't down yet.

"Where were you guys last night? We missed you at the Halloween party and feast," Mione pounces in us the moment we walk into the great hall. "I thought you guys said that you were going to be there for sure and that you wouldn't miss it for the world."

How do I answer if I don't even know?

Ginny and I share a look and both of our instincts are to not tell her the truth. But what do we say? It's true I really wanted to go but the last thing I remember was talking to Tom.

"Snape put us in detention for no reason," I lie thinking on my toes. Ginny nods. Miones eyes narrow. She starts to get up.

"Nonono. Mione. Stop. What's done is done. You'll get in trouble. Please," I look at her pleadingly.

"Fine," she hisses. I really don't want her to find out that we're lying.

"So," I say eagerly. "Tell us about the Halloween Party."

"Well, there was lots of drama that's for sure," Mione starts. "There was an attack right after Harry heard voices."

"What about me?" asks Harry as he plops down next to Ginny. Ginny blushes.

"I'm telling them about what they missed last night," explains Mione.

"Oh," Harry says. "Yea. It was quite dramatic. There was an attack. Filch's cat, Mrs. Norris was petrified. There was also a message written on the wall next to her."

"It was written in blood," Mione adds. I shiver.

"Well, what did the message say?" asks Ginny.

"It said, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir, beware," Harry answers. "We don't quite know what it means."

"Anyways, we were accused of doing it," Mione says.

"What!? Why?" we ask, shocked.

"I had detention with Lockhart, answering his fan mail," Harry starts, rolling his eyes. I scoff. "Hermione and Ron came looking for after dinner and that's when we found Mrs. Norris. Then Malfoy yelled 'You'll be next Mudbloods!'" Mione shudders remembering when Malfoy called her a mudblood. I feel uneasy about this whole thing. I take one look at Ginny's face and I can tell that she's shaken up too.

After classes, Ginny and I are in the common room talking. Suddenly, a breathless Mione bursts through the portrait hole. She grabs us and drags us over to a quiet corner.

"I have found a little bit about the Chamber of Secrets," she manages. Our eyebrows shoot up. "I convinced Professor McGonagall to tell us a little bit about it. All in all, what I have found out is that the Chamber has been opened before. Someone died last time because there is a supposed monster hidden there. It was rumored that only the heir of Slytherin could get in. They've searched the castle but nothing has been found. I think that it's real. All the teachers seem worried," She informs us. We all exchange glances.

"That's not good," Ginny says finally.

"Keep us updated," I ask Mione and she nods.

"Bye!" Mione says and runs out again.

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