The Other Weasley Twins: Chapter 12

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The Other Weasley Twins
Chapter 12

Ginny POV

I wake up the next morning and Ev is still asleep. I shrug and decide not to wake her. She can sleep more, in the meantime, I'll just go and meet Ella and Ember in the Great Hall. They are always up early.

I go down and see Ella and Ember immediately. Ev meets us when I was halfway done with my meal. We all went to classes together chattering. I see Hermione, Harry, and Ron all gathered together.

While we walk past them, I catch a glimpse of a book in Harry's hands. I see Riddle written on the bottom of the cover. It's Tom Riddle's diary. No. Ev didn't. I grab her wrist.

"Ev you didn't," I breathe.

"What?" she asks. I was going to confront her but then I had second thoughts. If I told her then she wouldn't help me get it back. I like talking to Tom. He understands. Not that Ev doesn't but Tom doesn't make fun of me. He also doesn't have an urge to blurt out all of my secrets. 
"Nothing," I answer. She shoots me a look but runs to catch up with Ella and Ember.

I sneak out of class a little bit early. I run into the common room. I look around and no one is here. I go up the staircase to the boy's dorms. I sneak into Ron and Harry's room. I look at all the beds. I can tell which ones Ron's but I need to find Harry's. I start to look. I tear things apart. I don't need Harry to figure out to use it and find out that I have a crush on him.

At last, I find it and leave in a hurry and knock some other things over in the process; I don't have time to clean up though I've up here too long already.

I go back up to our dorm and hide the diary in my trunk. I lock my trunk and put it back under my bed. Ev doesn't need to know that I have it again. 

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