The Other Weasley Twins: Chapter 1

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The Other Weasley Twins
Chapter 1

3rd Person/Nobody's POV

Today is a special day in the Weasley household. Ron, the youngest boy, is starting Hogwarts today.

Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is where all of the Weasleys go to school. Bill and Charlie, the two oldest brothers, are already out of Hogwarts. Percy is in his 5th year, the other twins are in their 2nd years, and Ron is starting his first.

You have to be 11 to attend Hogwarts. Ginny and Eva weren't old enough yet but every year, they always go to Kings Cross Station to watch their brothers go to Hogwarts.

All of the Weasleys are in Gryffindor and Ron wants to keep up the tradition.

As they go to Diagon Alley to pick up all of Ron's stuff for first years, Eva feels a little sad. Another year the twins have to wait until they could go to Hogwarts.

When the family arrived at Kings Cross, they go straight between platforms 9 and 10.

Just as the older Weasley twins disappear onto the platform, a boy with dark hair comes up to them.

"Excuse me," he asks Molly Weasley. "Do you know how to um..."

"Get onto the platform?" Molly finishes, gently. The boy nods. "Don't worry. It's Ron's first year too." She gestures towards Ron. Ron gives a little smile and waves. The boy waves back. "All you have to do," Molly continues, " Is go straight between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a run if you're nervous." She nods encouragingly. The boy backs up towards the twins.

"Good Luck!" Ginny and Eva say in unison. The boy blinks and looks at them for a second and then starts to run. The girls are used to this. They do talk together a lot. After Ron goes behind the mysterious boy, the girls and their mother follow.

They come onto the platform and see Ron and the mysterious boy talking. The twins watch them, longing to go with them. Suddenly the boy shakes his head and Eva could slightly make out something on his forehead. Like a scar...Eva nudges her sister.

"Look," she whispers. "There's something on that boy's forehead." The whistle blows and the boy jumps, clearly revealing a lighting bolt scar on his forehead. Eva squeals and Ginny jumps up and down.

"It's him!" They chorus. "It's Harry Potter!" They want to say hi but the boys are already getting on the train.
"Mum!" They squeal. "It's Harry Potter!" Ginny points.

"Girls," their mother chides. "It's rude to point."

"I wanna say hi!" Ginny says. Eva nods solemnly. "Me too!"

"Too late."  Their mother tells them, pointing. The train is already moving. Ron waves out the window as he passes them. The girls start to run after the train like they always do every year. This time, they are anxious to see Harry Potter one last time.

The girls were over themselves all year. They talk about him nonstop. Molly Weasley was starting to get annoyed. When Ron came home for the summer, they wanted to know everything that happened that year. 

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