The Other Weasley Twins: Chapter 13

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The Other Weasley Twins
Chapter 13


Suddenly, there's a commotion coming from the boy's dorm. All the boys are rushing up. I catch Ron and Harry.

"Come back and tell me what happened okay?" I command them.
They give me a solid nod and run-up.

They come back down and tell me that someone broke into the boy's dorm. They stole something from Harry. They think it's a Gryffindor because no one else knows the password.

"What did they steal?" I ask Harry.

"A book," Harry replies, stiffly.

"Huh," I say mystified. Who would steal a book from Harry? "Anyways, keep me and Ginny updated on everything, okay? We want to hear."

"Where is Ginny?" Harry asks. I raise my eyebrows at Harry. I jerk my head up to our dorm.

"Fast asleep. I don't know, this afternoon she was acting a lot more secretive and tired. I didn't want to wake her so I let her sleep," I explain.

"Huh," Ron and Harry says. "I wonder why, she's not usually secretive and definitely not to you," Ron says. I shrug.

"Maybe she's just overwhelmed with school. Snape's been awful," I try to defend her. Harry and Ron nod in agreement.

"For us too," Harry tells me.

"Well, I better head to bed," I tell the boys. I start to head up to my dorm. "Keep us updated!" I yell over my shoulder. 

Once I reach my room, I see Ginny talking with El and Em. When they see me, they immediately jump off their beds, eager for information. 

I relay everything that Harry and Ron told me.

"Wow," El whistles. "Someone dared to steal something from Harry Potter." She and Em laugh. 

"And wrecked his room in the process," Em adds. 

"They suspect a Gryffindor eh?" El asks. I nod my head. 

"Nobody else would know our password," I say. They nod in thought.

In the corner of my eye, I can see Ginny biting her lip and looking down. She's definitely hiding something from me. 

When she goes to sleep, I creep around to her side of the room. I take my wand for some light. There's nothing on her nightstand but when I try to open her trunk, I find that it's locked. She never locks her trunk. 

"Alohamora," I whisper. The lock rattles but doesn't open. Shoot, she must've used more complicated magic. 

I freeze when she stirs in her sleep. She rolls over but doesn't wake up. I quickly put out my light and creep back into bed. 

I wonder what she's hiding from me. She's acting very suspiciously lately. She usually tells me everything. Well, not lately, I feel like she talks to...

That's when it hits me. Tom. Tom Riddle's diary. 

She said that she liked talking to him. When I said that I was here for her, she brushed it off. She must've seen that I had gotten rid of it and taken it back. Wait, but Harry. He had it? How did he get it? Does Ginny think that I gave it to him? Oh, no.

After staring at the ceiling for a long time, you finally come up with a conclusion.

After you threw the diary away, Harry somehow found it. Ginny must've been angry at me for throwing it away and even more scared when she found out that Harry has it. She might've thought that I gave it to Harry. He probably talked to Tom already and Ginny and I had definitely discussed Ginny's crush on Harry with Tom more than once. Then, Ginny went up and took Tom back, destroying Harry's room in the process. How she got her trunk to lock like that, I have no idea. 

I have to talk to Harry tomorrow.

Mentally exhausted (and very proud of yourself for reaching that conclusion), you fall asleep.

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