The Other Weasley Twins: Chapter 10

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The Other Weasley Twins
Chapter 10

Ginny POV

After what Hermione tells us, Ev wants to write to Tom. We do and he seems generally concerned. After a reassuring Tom Talk, we go to bed.

Today is Quidditch. I'm really excited to see Harry play. I've heard that he's really good. It will be our first Quidditch match at school so naturally, Ev and I are up early. We dress in Gryffindor colors head out to the common room. There's a little pep rally going on and Ev and I go over to join them. It's really fun. Afterward, a whole group of us (including Ella and Ember) go over to the Quidditch Pitch. Hermione and Ron join us and we cheer on Harry and the rest of the players.

The Slytherin Team has no girls, it's all guys. We have three girls on the Gryffindor team, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, and Alicia Spinnet. 

Malfoy and Harry face off and Hermione tells us that last year, Harry almost fell off of his broom because Quirrell was jinxing it. Just as Harry and Malfoy go for the snitch, George hits a bludger and go straight at Malfoy. Malfoy dodges but then the bludger boomerangs back. It was headed straight at Harry.

"That's been tampered with," Hermione mutters. It keeps happening. Someone hits the bludger and it turns around and follows Harry.

In the end, Harry almost swallows the snitch and Gryffindor wins! Hermione saves the day by obliterating that tampered bludger.

Harry has a broken arm and Lockhart tries to fix it. Yep. Key Word. Tries. Lockhart removes all the bones instead. Harry is taken to Madam Pomfrey. I gag watching his arm jiggle.

After the Quidditch match, We do a quick Tom Talk and then everything goes black.

The next morning I wake up and shake Ev awake. She doesn't remember anything either. When we go to put on our robes, they have some sort of white feathers on them. I'm feeling less energized and way more uneasy now. We go down to breakfast and don't talk to Hermione, Ella, or Ember as much. I think that Ev is feeling down too.

After breakfast, Hermione pulls me and Ev aside. She tells us that last night there was another attack, this time on Colin Creevy. Hermione says that Harry told her that last night Dobby the house-elf visited him. Dobby admitted that he closed the barrier on them and sent the bludger after Harry. Hermione also tells us that Dobby had visited Harry before school and warned him not to go back and hid his letters from him.

Hermione says that Dumbledore and McGonagall are worried. Hermione is really worried, I can tell. She says that Harry heard voices again too. She commands us to come to the dueling club that Lockhart set up so we agree.

When we arrive at the dueling club, I'm not feeling any better and neither is Ev. We dragged along Ella and Ember to have some other students in our year with us. Snape and Lockhart tell Harry and Malfoy to duel as a demonstration when Malfoy sends a snake flying at Harry. The snake goes to a Hufflepuff at the side. Harry then starts to speak to the snake in a weird hissy voice. Snape turns the snake into ash. 

As we start to walk out of the dueling club but then I stop when I see Hermione, Ron, and Harry talking. I grab Ev and she nods, immediately understanding. I hate to eavesdrop but this looked suspicious and important. We tell Ella and Ember to go back to our room before us so they leave.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Ron asks.

"What?" Harry asks, clearly confused.

"That you're a parseltongue," Ron says.

"A what?" asks Harry again.

"Someone who can talk to snakes," Hermione explains.

"Well, yea," Harry says. "I sent one on my cousin before on accident." He looks at them. "Well, I'm sure loads of people can do that." Ron shakes his head.

"No. It's not very common. Even in the wizarding community," Ron tells him.
"You know that You-Know-Who himself was a parseltongue."

"Yes," Hermione adds. "Now everybody thinks that you're the heir of Slytherin."

They start to turn our direction and Ev grabs my hand and drags me away to the common room. Everybody there is buzzing about the dueling club.

"I can't handle this," I tell Ev. She nods and we go up to our room and collapse on our beds. 

"You don't think Harry actually is the heir of Slytherin, do you?" I ask Ev after a bit. She props herself up on her elbow to face me.

"I think that if he was the heir of Slytherin, he would be in Slytherin, plus he wouldn't be friend with Ron, Mione and us. Especially Mione."

I look at her puzzled. She opens her mouth to explain and clicks. "No wait, don't tell me, I got it. Because Hermione is a muggle born."

"Yea and were 'blood traitors'," she air quotes. "He wouldn't be friends with us either."

"And the Chamber of Secrets?" I ask her.

"I don't know, Ginny, Mione hasn't even figured out that one yet." She flops back down on her back.

"Hmm," I consider this. Hermione is like the smartest person I know and if she doesn't know, then well, I better hope she figures it out soon.

A/N: Yes, I know I got a bunch of the timeline wrong in this one. I wasn't feeling the greatest when i wrote this so please excuse the mistakes.

Also, I feel like this fanfiction is going downhill so....idk!

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