The Other Weasley Twins: Chapter 11

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The Other Weasley Twins
Chapter 11


The next morning, after classes, Ginny and I had a Tom Talk. We told him everything that has been happening. We haven't told anyone else about him. We kinda like him all to ourselves. After we finish writing, my mind goes blank. 

When we wake up its dinnertime. Ginny and I go down to dinner together. Whenever my mind goes blank, so does hers so she's just as confused as I am. We when we reach the Great Hall, we sit down with El and Em.

"Where were you guys?" El asks. I hesitate. Will we have to lie every time we don't remember what happens. Ginny takes it this time. She shrugs like it was no big deal.

"Homework." El raises an eyebrow but she doesn't say anything else.

"What? You two look disturbed." Before El and Em can say anything, Mione pulls us out of our seats.

"Ouch! What Mione?" I ask. 

"There's been another attack." Ginny and I gasp. It seems like every single time our minds go blank something happens. I try to look around and see who it is. 

"Omigosh! Where's Harry, Hermione?" Ginny asks. I gasp. Harry is missing. 

"No, Harry is okay but he was accused again. Harry said that he heard the voice again and then found Nearly Headless Nick and Justin Finch-Fletchley. Filch saw him and..."

"Omigosh," I say. "They seriously can't think it's Harry can they?"

"I don't know," Mione says. She goes back to her seat and we return to El and Em. 

"Hermione tell you about the attack?" El asks. We nod. "We've seen a pattern about the attacks," Em adds. 

"Yea," El continues. "Every single attack has been on muggle-borns." We gasp again. This is really freaky. 

All the Gryffindors are talking about Harry when we go back up to the common room. I pull Ginny aside. "I think we need to get rid of Tom," I tell her. "We can't have anymore Tom Talks, they're too risky. I see a connection, every time our minds go blank they go blank together. They always happen after a Tom Talk and every time something bad happens like an attack." 

"I like talking to Tom though." Ginny sticks out her lip. 

"No Ginny. I am getting rid of it," I tell her. "Tonight," I add firmly. 

"No! Don't Ev! I like it," Ginny pleads. "It's nice to have someone to talk to and spill secrets with."

"Stop! That's what I am for," I tell her. "I can't believe I'm being the older one right now!" Ginny pleads me not to. 

Finally, I give up and pretend I won't. 

Once Ginny is asleep, I take the diary into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I know that she never goes in here. I chuck the diary down one of the toilets and run out.

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