The Other Weasley Twins: Chapter 2

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The Other Weasley Twins
Chapter 2


"Ev, Ginny! Wake up! You have mail!"
I shoot out of bed and I look to the side and Ginny does the same. I grab my robe and run downstairs. On the kitchen table, I see my Hogwarts acceptance letter along with Ginny's.

Miss G Weasley.
2nd-floor bedroom
The Burrow

I pick it up and tear it open.
Dear Miss Ginerva Weasley, it reads. Wait a second. I look at Ginny. We share a glance and then we both grab the letter out of each other's hand, smiling.

Dear Miss Gineva Weasley. Good. This is the right one.

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find the enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. The term begins on 1st September. We await your owl no later than July 31st.
Minerva McGonagall
Professor Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Ginny and look at each and holler. Suddenly, Fred, George, Ron, and Percy are down the stairs.

"What?!" They yell.

"We got our Hogwarts acceptance letters!" we whoop. Ron groans and starts to head back upstairs.

"Wait! Breakfast!" Mum appears with food and everybody settles in at the table.

"We're going to Hogwarts!" I sing-song. Ron sighs.

"Why are you not excited for us?" Ginny asks disappointed at Ron's reaction.

"No, it's not that. Harry hasn't answered any of my letters."

"Harry Potter?!" Ginny responds and sits upright in her seat. Fred and George snicker. Ron ignores her.

"When are we going to do to Diagon Alley?" I ask.

"How about tomorrow?" Mum suggests.

"Sure!" Ginny chirps.

After soon as breakfast is over, Dad leaves for work. I skip up to the room that Ginny and I share. I pass a corner and see Fred, George, and Ron whispering. I walked toward them suspiciously.

When they see me, they walk past me and don't say a word. I slowly go into my room confused. Ginny is already there and we talk and giggle the day away. Soon we got tired and decide to go to bed early.

Ginny shakes me awake the next morning.

"Diagon Alley here we come!" She shouts. We go down to the kitchen together. We have always planned on wearing our matching jumpers the day we go to Diagon Alley. That sounds cheesy but they are our lucky jumpers. We wear them every year to shop for our brothers but now its our turn. However, we can't find them.

"Mummy? Have you seen our jumpers?" We yell, clamoring down the stairs. Then we stop dead in our tracks. Harry Potter is sitting at our kitchen table.

"Hello," He says. Fred and George smirk. I hardly hear Mum reply "Yes dears, they were on the cat." Ginny grabs my wrist and drags me back upstairs.

"What is he doing here?" Ginny asks. She looks kinda excited and kinda embarrassed. I shrug.

When we go back to the kitchen we find out that he is going to Diagon Alley with us. Mum is outraged at Fred, George, and Ron though. I soon find out why.

They took Dad's enchanted flying car to Harry's house last night and rescued him. He will be staying with us until school starts. Ginny and share an excited glance.

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