Chapter 22: I Consider the Merits of Murder

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A/N: This chapter's on the shorter side of life, but I figured the last few had been on the longer side of life, so I wasn't too fussed about it.

The next three chapters are going to be in the arena you guys really want. It's going to be fun. Hang in there!


November 28

9:30 AM
Status: Bored/Flustered

Hey, Alice, I need your help. –L

What's going on, Lils? –A's kind of a guy crisis. –L

Are you in love with James yet? –A

Haha. Nice try. But no, I'm not. Can I explain now? –L

Of course. –A

Okay...well Slughorn has a Christmas party in a month and I need a date. I don't want to leave that to the last minute. –L

Oho! You need a date! Why, did he tell you so? –A

No...but he insinuated it with his annoying winks and big grins. Plus, if I have a date, I spare myself the humiliation of being introduced to every other bachelor in the room. –L

I could be your date, Lils. –A

If he's male, I stand a better chance at not being mortified. –L

True...hmm. I could donate Frank to you for an evening. –A

D'you think he'd enjoy it? –L

D'you think anyone with a functioning brain would enjoy it? –A

True, true...Frank is a viable candidate. Can you think of anyone else, in case he refuses? –L

You could always take James. He would fall over his feet to go somewhere with you. –A

We're friends, but not close enough that I can put him through the misery of a Slug Club gathering. And he would not, Alice, gosh. –L

I think you should take James. Give the poor guy a chance to get close to you. He obviously wants to. –A

He's a friend, Alice. Do you know the meaning of the word, or do I need to explain it to you again? –L

I love how you keep saying that with so much conviction, as though saying it enough will make it come true. How can you seriously think that after everything, you and James can just remain friends? It's not going to happen. So stop being a baby and ask him out. –A

This is why I have more friends than you, Alice. Can you pass the journal to Livvy? Let me ask her for her opinion. –L

I'm still part of this conversation. I'm the middle person between you. –A

I wouldn't expect anything different. Pass this to Livvy and let's see what she says. –L

Gotcha. –A

Alice: Stop obsessing. It is perfectly possible for a boy and a girl with a violent past to become friends later, because they grew up and got over themselves.
Lily: Frank is a good option, but as a back-up, I'd say bring Jonathon. –O

You want me to bring Jonathon?! Hell no! –L

Jonathon? But...but...James's name is James. She should bring James. –A

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