Chapter 49: I am Caught in the Middle

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A/N: Yes, yes, waiting for me to update can really suck, but I've been busy. Homework, activities, blowing up my social's tiring, you know. And I didn't want to give you crap I was shaky on – I'd rather wait until I'm more comfortable and give you crap I'm at least a little invested in. So...that's why I made you wait. Sorry.

But for the next few chapters, I am going to warn you: the reason for the embellished drama might require you to channel your inner Freud a little bit. It's very deeply rooted in the psychology of each characters' psyche (aren't you glad I'm taking Psych this semester?) and you will need to be objective, as well as understanding, to fully appreciate the power-struggle about to be unleashed upon you.

I know it'll be a little hard, having to go into this from the happy, fluffy cloud from last chapter, but drama is more fun and you know it. You're going to be fine.


March 8

10:00 AM
Status: Floating

You know, I've come to find that it's really quite amazing, the effect a lovely day can have on the next day.

Take this morning, for example. I woke up at the extremely respectable hour of eight, content and refreshed (which never happens), some of that happy sparkle from yesterday still sprinkled into my mood like chocolate chips in a cookie. I also couldn't stop smiling.

Taking my sweet time, I got up, got dressed, and lay around in the sunshine for a little while, bits and snatches from yesterday playing in my head – James and I holding hands, me popping chocolate balls into his mouth, James kissing my cheek so sweetly after it was all over.

It was lovely. It was contented. I probably could've stayed there forever, lying on top of my mess of blankets, sunlight kissing my hair and fanning out on my face, nothing to hide from the still air in my room. I was open, vulnerable, happy in a lovely, easy way, and I don't think my body has ever relaxed as long and as well as it did this morning.

It didn't last too long, though. Around eight forty-five, while I was still somewhere in la-la land, the most terrific ruckus ensued outside of my portrait hole. I almost fell off my bed in astonishment. I really need to do something about this coordination problem of mine.

"LILY! LILY, WAKE UP!" hollered Alice's voice. "IT'S ME, ALICE!"

I was so disoriented, I couldn't answer right away. I sat up, rubbing my head, trying to recover, while Alice went right on yelling.


"Merlin, Alice, I'm awake and you can come in," I mumbled.

"Really?" The tone of her voice changed completely. "Well, in that case..."

"You see, Alice, I told you this was a bad idea," chastised Livvy. "I told you she might be awake..."

"It's before nine," Alice said scornfully. "Don't lie – I know you're as surprised as I am."

"Well, even if she was asleep, we ought to wake her up nicely—"

Livvy was attempting to make a very fine point, I must say, but Alice wasn't in the mood to hear it and the portrait opened, revealing both of my friends fully dressed. Alice grinned widely upon seeing me. Livvy, realizing that her battle was already long-lost, joined in the grin and I couldn't help but take the cake in wide grins, because my friends are hilarious and I love them.

"Good morning," I said amiably. "How's it going?"

Alice shook her head impatiently. "I want no part in these preliminaries," she announced dramatically. "I want to know what happened yesterday and I want to know right bloody now."

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