Chapter 40: I Watch Valentine's Day Unfurl

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A/N: You know, believe it or not, some of the weird stuff in this story is based on stuff that happens in my real life. That's the thing about reality – it's so...I dunno, surreal sometimes. I have too many moments in my day that seem to come out of bad 80's movies and I'm sure no one would believe me if I shared them, but they happened. It's so odd.

But yeah. Here's Valentine's Day. It's kind of taking place in two parts – this chapter is the actual day, which is a Friday, and then the dating stuff will come on Saturday, which is the next day and shall be discussed next chapter. It took some tinkering, and playing around with (way more than I'd like, and amidst my hellish life as a junior) but I think I'm relatively happy with the final product. Hopefully, so will you.

Here we go, then.

February 14

Morning Check:

Yes, today, I actually did wake up on time. I decided to bunk out in Alice and Livvy's dorm today, just for a change of scenery, and this morning, my impulsiveness revealed itself to be a terrible idea: I was rudely awoken to the sound of twittering girls about an hour before I even attempt to think vaguely about waking up. I tried to ignore it, but I mean, screeching girls are pretty grating on the ears – it's difficult to tune out.

So...I did get up. But I also vowed never to sleep in Alice and Livvy's dorm ever, ever again. Getting up early is not worth feeling as awful as I do right now. Particularly on a day like...this.

Valentine's Day. Oh Merlin. I'm terrified and I have every right to be.

9:10 AM
Status: Still sleepy

Well, the Valentine's Day fiasco has now officially kicked itself off, as of this morning. From the constant buzzing going around my classroom as Flitwick tries valiantly to capture our attention, I have a feeling no one's going to learn much today.

Alice, on my right side, is wearing bright pink in honor of the occasion. Livvy is wearing a more sedate pink. I didn't go with the trend, because pink tends to clash with my hair unless it's just the right shade and I wasn't in the mood to go pink-hunting. I'm wearing blue. Alice complained that it was depressing, but I didn't particularly care. Turquoise – speaking from a fashion angle – is a better color for me.

Meanwhile, my classmates are mostly wearing varying shades of pink and red. Hogwarts gets really into these types of things. Girls have hearts and flowers in their hair, while guys wear a particularly smug smirk as their special accessory. Already, I can see the notes passing from hand to hand as though on Cupid's highway, the words making and breaking our fragile adolescent relationships right here and now, and I wonder how many hearts will remain whole by the end of the day.

This is dangerous. I really think it is. When I was in third year, James gave me seven flowers every period (because seven is a magically powerful number) and by the end of the day, I was lugging about an enormous bouquet that people kept giggling at. Boys shouldn't be allowed to affect girl's days the way they do. It's just not fair.

They can seriously ruin someone like this. James did it for me, back when we were both young and stupid, and I hate having to watch the habit repeat itself.

Why was I ever apathetic to the evils of Valentine's Day? I don't think the world will ever know.

1:05 PM
Status: Frustrated

Now I'm safely in History of Magic, so I am finally able to pen my musings all throughout this morning. I can't even say how happy I am that I have a source other than Alice and Livvy to confide all this into. Somehow, I feel like less of a bad person if I complain here than if I complain with actual people. I dunno what it is – but it's a good feeling, being able to sit here and talk myself through my own thought processes.

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