✈︎ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 1 ✈︎

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꧁3𝗿𝗱 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲꧂

The school bell rang with a shrill sound, calling an end to the laborious day. Yoongi grabbed his school bag from underneath his chair and left the class discretely. Once he had walked out of the school gates, he traipsed into an vacant and narrow street but he stood still to the sound of profanity and crying. Yoongi slowly crept towards noise, revealing a young boy who was being attacked violently by three other boys and crushed by their pernicious insults.

The feeble and meagre boy, who was getting maltreated, lay on the erratic ground with sporadic bruises scattered across his skin. His cheeks were stained with tears and his voice was silenced by the derogatory terms. Yoongi felt his heart disintegrate as he observed the little boy's sufferance. He decided to confront the bullies in an oblique method.

"Lame." He voiced derisively.

The bullies turned their heads towards yoongi simultaneously and became dazed at the fact he termed them as lame. One of the bullies instantaneously darted at him and challenged him intrepidly before swiftly surrendering once he saw the daunting look in yoongi's eyes.

Yoongi looked back at the boy, who was now gawking at him with bewilderment painted across his face. His giant, dark brown orbs were a concoction of dejection and relief. Yoongi trod towards the tormented boy and crouched down.

"What's your name?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"H-hoseok." The latter answered, barely audible.

"Nice to meet you. My name is yoongi." He said kindly.

Yoongi stood up and swivelled around to confront the disdainful bullies but they were no longer present. He turned back to hoseok and extended his hand towards him. Hoseok gingerly grasped his hand and got up, slightly struggling. Yoongi and hoseok stood face to face with endearing smiles displayed on each of their faces.

The next day, as yoongi was peacefully walking to his classroom, he fortuitously encountered the same three boys from the other day in front of the principal's office. A faint chuckle escaped from his lips as they leaned against the wall exasperated.

At lunch, yoongi was seated at a table alone, eating a cheese and salad sandwich, until a boy sat down in front of him. He couldn't recognise the face of the male until their eyes met. It was hoseok.

"Hi...I hope you don't mind me sitting here." He said with a hushed voice.

"Nope, not at all." Yoongi replied. They both smiled at each other cordially.

Ever since the occurrence, hoseok would soundlessly trail behind yoongi after school. After a few days, they began to communicate and after a few weeks, hoseok was now walking alongside yoongi and not wandering behind him as a shadow. Their bond grew to be indestructible and their friendship soon became indissoluble.

꧁6𝘁𝗵 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲꧂

As yoongi and hoseok strolled down a strait road together, yoongi swiftly glanced at hoseok.

"I'm moving houses by the end of this week so we won't be going to the same school." He stated with a deep sigh.

"Where are you moving to? Is it far from here?" Hoseok questioned as he swiftly turned his head towards him.

"My dad got a job in LA so we're moving there." Yoongi replied, his voice was filled with poignancy.

Hoseok's heart slowly crumbled after hearing that statement. Just thinking about the fact that he wouldn't be able to see yoongi anymore made him feel dismal.

Hoseok abruptly held out his pinky finger to yoongi. Yoongi stood frozen, perplexed by the sudden gesture.

"promise you won't forget me." Hoseok said as an adorable, heart-shaped smile lingered upon his lips.

"I promise." Yoongi responded.

They looked at each other with despondent yet buoyant smile as their pinky fingers intertwined and their thumbs touched, sealing the promise. The amusing and entertaining memories of their everlasting friendship would remain unforgettable as long as their promise remained unrelenting.

______________✈︎ ✈︎ ✈︎_______________

Are you cringing?
This story is going to be longer than the other one.
I said I was going to publish this when I finish it but I haven't finished it yet 🤩🤩
Anyways, stay tuned and I love you 🥺💞💞

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