✈︎ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 7 ✈︎

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Jungkook stood in front of the dorm and carefully knocked on the door. Moments later, the door flew open, revealing jimin, who was stood there elated.

"Hey!" Jimin welcomed. "Come in."

Jungkook smiled at jimin before entering the room and taking off his shoes.

"Namjoon just left to go to yoongi." Jimin told jungkook. "So...what do you want to do?"

Jungkook hesitated. He didn't think or plan anything to do with jimin. A sheepish chuckle escaped from his lips.

Jimin's eyes lit up. "I know! Let's go to hobi, tae and jin's dorm. I'll text tae to let him know."

Mochi: me and jungkook
are coming to your dorm

Tae tae: cool I'll tell the others

"Okay, let's go." Jimin said.

Before jungkook could look at jimin, he had already grabbed his phone, rushed to the door and put on his shoes.

"Come on!" Jimin demanded as he opened the door. Jungkook hurriedly put his shoes on and followed jimin out of the room. Jimin locked the door and shoved the keys and phone inside his pocket.

"Last one there has to do a forfeit." Jimin challenged.

"You're on." Jungkook said.

The two boys stood next to each other in line with the door. They locked eyes as jimin began to countdown.


They both sprinted to the dorm. Once they had reached the dorm, jungkook leaned against the wall and jimin sat on the floor in exhaustion.

"You run..really..fast." Jimin panted.

"You too." Jungkook responded.

"Since we tied, I guess no one gets a forfeit." Jimin announced as he got up and knocked on the door. They heard a faint "come in" and entered the dorm.

As jimin opened the door, they saw taehyung and hoseok sitting on the floor playing super smash bros and seokjin sitting on the edge of the bed spectating and commentating on the gameplay.

"Hob-ah, kick him. Now punch him. Tae, stay away from the edge, you're gonna fall. Yes hobi! Yes taehyung-ah!" he cheered.

"Pick a side, please." Hoseok said. "You're confusing the both of us."

"Okay, okay sorry." Seokjin apologized. Just at that moment, taehyung's character had lost yet again. Hoseok and seokjin hugged and celebrated in triumph as taehyung sat on the floor confused and discouraged.

"How? This is the third time I've lost. Out of the three games we have played." Taehyung said astonished. "We also played three rounds on each game. So in total, I've lost to you...", He took a moment to calculate the amount of losses, "...9 times!"

"I told you not to underestimate me." Hoseok stated.

"Don't be sad, tae tae." Jimin said as he walked towards him and sat down. Jungkook followed jimin and sat down next to taehyung.

"I like video games." He said shyly.

"Really?" Taehyung asked, "Me too. What do you normally play?"

"Overwatch, call of duty, assassin's creed, zelda..." Jungkook answered.

"Me too!" Tae exclaimed. "Let's play something."

"Okay." Jungkook responded excitedly.

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